Icom 7300 Ham Radio Deluxe Setup FREE Version


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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8 years ago

What interface do you use for the PC to CI-V jack on the IC-7300? USB to RS232?

8 years ago

Rich, thanks very much. It’s very helpful.


8 years ago

Hello Larry,
I’m new to the radio and the idea of control via computer which I find interesting and I am willing to try and make work. Please help me understand what Icom is saying on page 2-3 of the manual under the USB description. The first bullet states “Remotely controls the transceiver using CI-V commands”. Words to this effect are used on the remote jack as well. Can one operate the radio using just the USB port with HRD version 5.24.38. When I tried this for the first time the rig went into transmit 3 seconds after the connection was made.
Thank you for any help you may have and I realize it is not your duty to school the newbies.
Robert K6FX

8 years ago

Hello Rich,
That did it, thank you for your help. It is clear I have much to learn and I’ll give it a go. Please forgive me for getting your name wrong…what a goofball.

8 years ago

’73 for all de KI4RMF Fred!!!

Larry Woram
8 years ago

I followed the steps above when setting up HRD 5.24 and the rig control seemed to work on first try however it put the IC-7300 into transmit. I was not able to put it back into receive without turning power off. Any suggestions?

Tim Ricke
8 years ago

I have had the DM780 working and have made several QSO’s. I wanted to add CW so I purchased a CI-V cable and followed your instructions with HRD ver. 6.30.557. Now when I transmit I se a yellow vertical line on the radio instead of red and I am not getting out. What should I change?

Doug Quackenbush
8 years ago

Thank you for the detailed article. I believe I followed all of the steps; however, HDR becomes unresponsive once I press connect. Any ideas what I may be doing incorrectly to cause this connection problem? I’ve verified that the USB port is set to 9600 bps. I’m running HDR

Thanks for any advice,

8 years ago

When using DM780 for RTTY (FSK) do you have the IC-7300 set for RTTY or DATA ?
Thanks, Bart

Phil Mujllins
8 years ago

Thank for the details… I am using the USB only and have toggled between DTR, RTS, both on both off, and each one one. The IC-7300 still goes to TX after about 3 seconds. : any suggestions? I will get a CV-I cable if that will correct the problem. USing a Dell E6550 with Win10 OS. and IC-7300 firmware is updated.
Phil Mullins, W4PRE

John Ulmer
8 years ago

I am attempting to set up HRD v Encountered a couple of problems. Computer shows rig connected to COM 5, but that won’t show up on the rig connect screen of HRD. Get error msg “The system cannot find the file specified”.

Also rig switches to TX when HRD is activated. No way to turn off. Tried suggestions from posts above, but no success.


John Ulmer
8 years ago

Thanks Rich:
Using 2 cables. Also using SignaLink sound card. Restarted computer. Com 5 did not show up in device manager. Opened HRD connect. IC-7300 shows in both Com 3 and Com5. However Device manager has SignaLink using Com3. Com 5 connection won’t work. Seems I am going in circles.


7 years ago

Hi Rich,
One other thing to be aware of is that there are apparently two different chipsets used to make up the CI-V cables. The first is the Prolific chipset which apparently has a lot of knockoffs (not true Prolific brand) and some of them are pretty shoddy. They simply won’t work properly. The second is the FTDI chipset which I understand is more “stable”, but the drivers are not as robust if you are using more than one FTDI cable per computer. I went through this when hooking up a Yaesu FT-450D for CAT control. The plug on the Yaesu is a RS232 so one needs an adapter cable with chipset to make the USB connection to the computer. Separately, I heard my first Contestia CQ today while using DM780. I tried to respond, but the IC7300 wouldn’t transmit. I’m using just the USB cable at present. I was puzzled why I couldn’t respond until I read this article, then the light came on. I think I too will opt for the two cable setup. Thanks much for sharing your wisdom.
John, KC9TND

7 years ago

I am having great difficulty getting connected.
I am using :
Windows 10
Usb cable only (CI-V on order)

The 7300 is not shown in the drop down Icom list so I chose 7700
Com 3, 9600, tried both DTR and RTS (RTS keys the radio), can not change the CI-V Add to 94 (stays on 74)

The Silicon Labs driver is downloaded and installed. I have also changed the USB Send to off.

Nothing seems to help get me connected

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

No, there was no 7300 listed on that version. However I upgraded and there it was! That got me connected. I am receiving OK but the radio dues not key up to transmit. Soundcard is set to USB Audio Codec fro both send and receive.

Making progress!!
Steve KK6NTL

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Well after going through all the settings again, and again, and again, Hi Hi, I checked your second blog post and found that it REALLY helps to set the radio to USD-D!!!!! And to set the Modes & ID’s.
However I can send CQ several times OK then the next time it locks in TX, but shows no PO. I have to power down the radio to stop the TX!

Any ideas?

Steve KK6NTL

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Celeron 2.2 ghz 2mb RAM, I have never had problems with HRD on this computer operating my FT450-D though.

I have gone through both the Connectors Menu and the DM 780 settings changing things and nothing has changed it from keying the radio but no RF power output. Radio also locks in TX mode and I have to hit the power button and start everything over.

This shouldn’t be so difficult, I probably have one setting wrong somewhere

7 years ago

I was at 9600 already.
I did a reset of the 7300 and reentered all the Connection settings, adjusted the Codec sound settings on the computer and it seems to be working as long as they are 40 or less. However the PO is very low , at 100% radio power the meter only shows 25.

Two other interesting things: When I start HRD my S reading goes from <3 to almost 7, and the waterfall on DM 780 does not cover the full width, only about 50% of the width shows in the center.

Thanks and 73
Steve KK6NTL

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Well yesterday, for no explicable reason, PSK started working reliably! I am still scratching my head but have recorded all the settings.
I did replace the USB cable and the noise went away! Interesting as that was the cable I use on my Signalink at my other QTH. It had been giving me problems too.
I still can not get more than about 20 w output to show on the power meter, but I will carefully work on it.
My CI-V cable should be here any day and I hope the addition will not cause problems. BTW I seem to have full radio control with HRD with just the USB. Though I haven’t tried all the options.

Thanks for your assistance!!

7 years ago

CI-V cable installed and everything is working better! I can even get full power!! Hi Hi
HRD rig control is fairly good but several of the controls do not seem to work, specifically NB, NR, Notch that I have found so far. Also there is no USB-D on the mode drop down.
I will have to move on to setting up RTTY and JT-65 now.
Thanks and 73

Jim Weigand
7 years ago

Rich, You seem to have more info on your site than I can find on HRD.I am looking to connect my IC-7300 to the latest version of HRD. Unfortunately they want another upgrade to activate the 7300, so I will try your IC-7700 method. I am currently using HRD with a FTDX3000. It also uses a Silcon Labs driver. ICOM says to delete the old drivers and install theirs, but won’t this mess up my operation of the FTDX 3000? I tried installing the ICOM drivers without deleating the Yaesu drivers, but it said the new drivers were not an upgrade and did not install.Any suggestions?

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

My drivers are the same date and version as yours. The FTDX-3000 only requires one USB cable and has 2 com ports according to instruction sheets. Com 3 is used for data and Com 4 for PTT. I chose Com 5 for the IC-7300 in the HRD connect screen. I do not recall the Windows 10 computer telling me it was installing drivers when I connected the 7300 to the computer via a second USB cable. I now have a separate USB cable for each radio (both connected).

When I read your email I went to Device manager – Ports (Com & LPT) to get the driver info and noticed only Com 3 and 4 were listed. Com 5 was not there. I am wondering if I am actually using the “Audio Drivers”. It does seem to work Rx and Tx. However, When I disconnect from one radio and connect to another HRD controller and Logbook seem to work OK, but DM 780 retains the previous PTT and some Modes and ID settings. It also appeared that data was not getting to the waterfall for decoding.

Another question does the Silicon Labs driver get downloaded to the Radio or computer sound card?
If I was going to try reinstalling the Silicon Labs driver for Com 5, how would I do it?
I can’t be the only person with this problem!!

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thanks, you have been of great help. I tried plugging and unplugging the cables as you suggested and Com 5 did show up as a Silicon Lab driver which is the Com port I used in the HRD connect screen for the IC7300. Interesting my FTDX-3000 Com 3 an 4 ports show up as “dual” CP210… and “Enhanced” UART Bridge”. All dates and versions for all Com ports are the same as yours.

Thanks for the sanity check. I’ll go to the Q and A of HRD AND LOOK FOR RESOLUTION OF THE dm780. its unfortunate that HRD requires $50 for a years support. I have already done that twice in the past to resolve problems that were theirs and not issues on my end.

Thanks again
Jim N9BW

7 years ago

If I connect the CI-V to N3FJPs ACLog and the USB to wsjt-x. Can I operate the IC7300 independent of each other? So when I am looking for Qs digitally, can I switch to a new juicy DX when I see it on the ACLogs DX spotting without the two conflicting with each other?

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thanks Rich!

Well I tried to run both… Got Conflicts.

WSJT-X wants to be the dominant user of the radio.
I tried it both ways… CI-V to ACLog and then to WSJT-X.

Same problem, unfortunately, either way I connect them.

I will give it another try. I must be doing something wrong. I’ll look over the manual again.

Thanks for the reply.


7 years ago

Thanks again, Rich!

Funny thing… I have been replying to you on my Kindle and haven’t checked it for sometime (nor trying setting up the rig, been really busy), so I happen to open it this evening and the browser tab was open to a YouTube video of connecting CI-V to an IC7300 I must have been searching.

Below it in the suggestion videos I saw the title “Icom 7300 N3FJP WSJT X… then I realized that it was yours with me credited!

I will follow your instructions on the video and let you know in a couple days how it turns out.

Thank you,


7 years ago

Hi Rich,

Well I finally had the time/guts to try it, after vacation and the nerves to change things on the rig and software.

I followed your instructions on the video, except the Split part (I don’t see the need for that at this time, nor do I understand it). So I left it clicked “None” for that part on WSJT-X.

Everything else I followed to the letter.

I am happy to say that it is working optimally!

The ACLog, WSJT-X and JTAlerts all are performing as they should (I did a lot of jumping back and forth to make sure). Smooth transitioning, no hiccups!

I want to Thank You again for helping me and for posting the video for others.

7 years ago

I just installed the trial version of HRD with a friends IC-7300. It always makes me nervous hooking up unfamiliar technology with my computer. As the IC-7300 is very expensive. Anyway I get it connect and I can control the 7300 with the laptop, but within 10 seconds of sitting there the IC-7300 goes into “standby mode” and just clicks. I have to wait till a couple a minutes then I can turn the device back on. But then the same thing occurs again. I followed the settings you laid out to the “T”. My configuration is a HP Laptop running Windows 10, HRD 6.4. Any ideas about what could be going wrong?

7 years ago

Hi Rich,
I hook up 2 cables yesterday using hrd had Data off mod to usb to your setup.
Worked fine.
Today opened N1MM the radio keyed up i changed port real quick.
Did all the setup like you did.But radio would not TX.
Found a video said turn Data off mode to mic or acc,mic.Put on mic,acc
Now it TX with N1MM AND HRD.
Is this a USB driver problem.

Risto Tiilikainen
7 years ago

Hi Rich
Tnx for coordinating the cabling requirements.

I want to present my wiev to interconnections.
I am using Win7 which sound properties is torso.

I wanted to hear via desktop line level speakers audio and music from internet, my Audacity recordings, system sounds, Skype, HDSDR output, monitor my digital on-air audio ect ect.
I found it uncomfortable if using only 2 cables.
USB A/B cable and virtual com for HRD / Icom CI-V commands

TX audio is possible to monitor by IC7300 monitor but it isn’t as nice as via speakers with easy to use volume control.
If I wanted to listen something via desktop speakers I had to play with default selection.
Selection had to be changed back and forth from USB Audio Codec to analog audio (in my case integrated Sound Max) card depending on use.

There exist no such problem with audio from rig to computer (Windows rec). USB Audio Codec is OK.

Therefore I use a cable in ACC socket for 3.rd connection having line transformer as groundloop isolator.
It easy to make with included Icom prewired Din13 plug.
In Icom manual is clear advice for wiring.
In my case only 1 transformer was needed and I didn’t use any potentiometers for line level.
A 3.5mm female cable model socket is in parallel for desk speakers.

Old HRD is comfortable to use after swapping useless buttons over gunwale.

73 Risto OH2BT

Jeffrey Stricker
7 years ago

Hi Rich, Liked your video on using the 7300 with N1MM S/W. Thanks for taking the time and effort. Decided to get my 7300 hooked up. I have windows 10 and am administrator. Well, downloaded V 1.2 driver from Icom website. Saved to hard drive – unziped and ran CP210xVCPinstallerx64. Get the following error msg: “The driver device installer wizard unable to find any drivers designed for your machine” Hmmm? Have you seen this before? Thanks Jeff W9GY

Jeffrey Stricker
7 years ago

Hi Rich, Yup 64 bit W-10 HP laptop. If I try try the other installer, it tells me that’s the wrong one. I have contacted ICOM, but they seem to be lost. HI 73 Jeff

Jeffrey Stricker
7 years ago

Hi Rich, yes tried to install before connecting. I will do some more research online to see what I can learn. I will post whatever I learn here.

7 years ago

Just purchased a icon 7300 (my first amature radio) and have it working on voice on 20 meters. I then tried to run psk31( free version ) using ham radio delux. Using two cables. Have received on occasions without tx, then tx without Rx, have installed drivers , my head is turning, can you tell me how to start again from beginning, including uninstalling. Please

7 years ago

Followed your setup to a tee. Works great once I figured out I had to click on the “use hrd to run rig control” in the options area in 780. I have been using a rigblaster advantage with my FT-950 for ft8 and jt65 which I’ll continue to use. I missed using HRD but can’t use it for ft8. HRD is a stellar program. Thanks for walking me thru with your tutorial.

Dan Barrera
6 years ago

My apologies if this question has already been asked. The two links that you provide for the CI-V cable send me to ebay but the description for either one doesn’t list the IC-7300 as a supported radio or Windows 10 as an operating system. Is it safe to assume these are the same cables you intended to recommend?


6 years ago

Hello Rich,
I just got an IC-7300 and I love it! I am trying to set it up to do CW through HRD/DM780. I have followed all of the directions here to the letter and when I try to transmit on CW I get the following error message:
“Error opening COM8 to send CW – Access is denied.”

Any thoughts?
John, K6JRO

Greg, N6PM
6 years ago

I just got the latest HRD and am trying to use WSJT-X with it. There is a problem with the radio switching to USB from USB-D intermittently, and frequently. When that happens, the radio goes into transmit, but there’s no output because the radio is looking for audio from the microphone, not the USB input. When I kill HRD Rig Control and go back to having WSJT-X talk directly to the IC-7300, it works fine. I’m thinking there must just be some setting somewhere that I’m missing.

Greg, N6PM
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich,

Thanks for the reply. I may try your solution, but for now I found the serial CI-V cable I’d bought way back when and have WSJT-X talking to the radio directly using that, while HRD talks to it via USB. No problems with that arrangement so far.

73, Greg N6PM

5 years ago

I bought my new IC 7300. Tried to connect to HRD free version using USB cable. The radio transmits continuously for some seconds when HRD is opened. Nothing is working.

Please help.

Thank You,


Manoj A65DP

Michael Wise, K4PRO
5 years ago

I seen on a thread somewhere that you had an issue with either ic-7300 or ic-7610 true FSK with DM-780 where the RTTY sounded slow, like the diddle was at half speed. Did you ever resolve this, I’ve been fighting with this for months. I’m almost 100% sure it’s something in DM-780, as N1MM, MMTTY, and Mvari all work fine.
Wondering what your solution was. This is not related to the delay that is resolved by changing from 500ms to 750ms in the QSO setup.

Mike, K4PRO

David Payne
5 years ago

Good Morning,

I installed the drivers before plugging in the cable and followed the directions on your site. The radio appears to be communicating with the computer but in the end I get an error saying that HRD cannot read the frequency and I should make sure the 7300 is on (which it is) and not in memory mode (it isn’t). I contacted HRD support and they said not to use the CI-V cable but just USB. I am confused about their response and what I should do next.


Dave Brackmann
5 years ago

Your youtube channel saved me HOURS if reading from waterfall averaging to “Connectors” setup to HRD Confguration (I trialed V6). I feel it’s like cussing on the air to ask but Is there a place to actually really download I sure seems rather “guarded” now?

Mike Ernst
5 years ago

Hi Rich K0PIR,

I am trying to help a friend run HRD v5.24 with an IC 7300 using only one cable – the USB cable from rig to PC. He started off trying to use your setup outlined above. However, he has discovered that if he sets any of the step 3 USB settings – USB SEND, USB Keying (CW), USB Keying (RTTY) – to DTR or RTS and then opens HRD, it keys the transceiver after about 3 seconds. If he leaves all 3 of those items to off, then it does not key the rig. Is that normal?

Mike, AE8U

Russ Ramirez
5 years ago

Very nice. I was able to get HRD 6.4 (while keeping WSJT-X still working!) to work just fine. Thanks, Happy New Year and 73.

4 years ago

Just getting starting with HRD, purchased in December (or January) I can’t seem to get to the last step of the install. Almost there but not quite. I will watch a Youtube and that will probably help me. If not, hello Product Support


Joseph Stodolny
3 years ago

Thanks this article was a lot of help, de KD9EZE.

2 years ago

i have purchase a ic7300 . i think i made a misstake win buying it , i though it would work on two meter, i think i screw my self, what cani do about this , can help me on this

David Clempson
2 years ago

I am unable to connect my interface port 1. I have tried several ways and taken advice from others to no avail. I am using MSHV before quite successfully. Do you have an suggestions that you have.

Many thanks

Dave Clempson

Chris Eldredge
1 year ago

I did connect the usb cable before loading the software. what is the remedy?

Chris Eldredge
1 year ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I did that, but i get a message that the driver can not be found.

Chris Eldredge
1 year ago
Reply to  K0PIR

The problem is that it will not download because i plugged the radio into the computer before I tryed to download the driver. Watcing some of the youtubes, it shows that you are not to plug the radio in before you download the driver. I

william downie
1 year ago

I have problem up loading to lotw from hrd . I have renew certificate serial # match. hrd will not make a adif file that can be up loaded. Any ideas will help.I have e mails into lotw and hrd Bill N9JRB

4 months ago

I have been using the two cable method you described in your initial instructions
for a few years now, with no problems.

I now want to purchase and connect a PW2 to my 7300. The instructions show
that I need to use the ‘remote’ jack between the 7300 and the PW2 for CI-V
control and that I can’t use a splitter.

How can I continue to use HRD/WSJTx to control my 7300 if I can’t use the
“remote” connection for CI-V control?

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