Icom USB Driver Reinstall Windows 10 Troubleshooting HRD and WSJT-X


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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William Davis
6 years ago

I have been trying to download and install the HamLib Amateur Radio Control Libraries. The files down load and save on my Windows 10 drive but when I try to install the software I get error messages that it cannot open the files to write them. Very frustrating.

6 years ago

Hi Rich ;
Being a new owner/op of a 7610 have much appreciated your tips/tricks in getting the conductivity going…
with that said… I’m NOT! ha . some reasonable success with HRD… and not so much with WSJT-X…Many of the same HamLib error reads as others… very frustrating… 3rd day into configuring the 7610…
any clues are appreciated.

Ken Archer
5 years ago

Hi Rich,

I have watched several of your videos on YouTube but I am having a problem with the USB driver that came with RS-BA1. When I click connect on the Radio Screen or turn on the radio while the computer is running I get a message The Last USB driver loaded failed or something like that. I am having issues with transmitting remotely and have yet to get it working correctly. I have uninstalled and followed the instructions to install the USB drivers correctly.
Another question is will I be able to use this USB driver to run WSJT-X or another digital program?

Thanks very much,

5 years ago

Hello Rich,

My problem is with the IC-7600. When I plug the cable into the USB-B port – the back of the radio to any USB port on computer, the IC-7600 simply stops transmitting. I use Windows 10.
Jaime, PP5JD

Mike J
3 years ago

Wow, the last Windows 10 update (2004) did a number on many app settings. IC-7300 communications was now inop. The driver uninstall/reinstall did the trick. Thanks!

Roger Mansell Williams
3 years ago

Many thanks for running through the set up very useful.

Lance Willard
3 years ago

Hi Rich- I really enjoy your channel. I have finally ran into a quandary that I cannot figure out, and I have not found anyone who can point me in the right direction to solve the problem. I have an IC-7300 and am trying to work WinLink/VARAHF. However I cannot get the computer driver that I downloaded from Icom (SiliconLabs CP210x) to make the radio transmit/tune. Device Manager tells me that the “driver requires further installation”. In the events tab, I am given an Error 430 and 20003.
I have uninstalled and re-installed the driver 20+ times and 20+ different ways, and have looked at all the advice you gave here, but to no avail. How do I “further install” the driver? Do you have any other rabbit holes you can point me to? Thank you for your great content.
Best and 73.

Lance Willard
3 years ago

Hi Rich- I really enjoy the content on your channel and blog. Always informative and easy to understand. 
I have a driver problem that I am unable to fix though, even after following all of your tips and pointers in this article and video “Icom USB Driver Reinstall Windows Troubleshooting HRD WSJT X”..
I have downloaded the IC-7300 driver (Silicon Labs CP210x) for Windows 10 and I cannot get the driver to transmit to the radio.
I have un-installed and re-installed the driver software countless times, in various different ways, and have updated my Windows 10 to current standards.
I have also looked at all the tabs for the mic and the permissions, etc., but no matter what I try, I keep getting a message (in the Device Manager) that this driver “requires further installation (Event 430 and 20003)”.
Do you have any idea how I can further install this driver?
Thanks again for all the great videos on YouTube and great articles on your blog.
Best and 73,
Lance KI5HHK 

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