Tagged: icom

elecraft k3s and icom 7610 rx settings 2

Icom 7610 And Elecraft K3S SSB Receiver Settings

Among amateur radio operators, the Icom 7610 and Elecraft K3S radios stand out as popular choices, renowned for their superior performance and advanced features. Despite their impressive attributes, these radios can be further optimized by adjusting their SSB listening receiver...


New Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF D-Star Hand Held Transceiver

Recently, I had the chance to view (videos) the new Icom ID-50A. From what I saw, it looks like a solid option for amateur radio operators seeking an efficient and effective handheld transceiver. With its impressive features and specs, this...

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Calling CQ – Single Sideband Modulation

I’ve been Ham operator for many years and have heard a lot of CQ’s in my lifetime, so bear with me and I’ll tell you the most effective ways I’ve heard Hams calling CQ on Single Sideband. For New Hams:...

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Making the case for FT8

Ham radio has seen a decline in popularity in recent years, but a new digital mode called FT8 is helping to revive interest in the hobby. FT8 is a fast, effective way to communicate, and it’s perfect for those who...

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Checkout How Wfview and Log4OM Work Together

Wfview and Log4OM – #Powerhouse combo of two FREE Ham Radio Programs. Now that Wfview and ACLog are running well together I thought I will try using Wfview and Log4OM together. I love Log4OM and it is my favorite Free logging...

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