WSJT-X JT-ALERT Automatically Logs To HRDLog

WSJT-X JT-Alert are my two new favorites. When I got my Icom 7300, one of the first JT65 programs I installed was JT65 HF HB9HQX. It works great with the Icom 7300 and HRD. I made a video clip you can see here.

Later I wanted to try WSPR mode and I found a simple program to use, WSJT-X. It does JT65 and JT9 too. I had a lot of fun using it and it even works on my Raspberry Pi 3. I made a short clip using it on the Raspberry Pi and you can see it here.


So here's the rub, I like WSJT-X and using JT65 and JT9, but I don't like the logging. I have to import my log from that program into HRDLog. I just purchased the latest version of Ham Radio Deluxe and I really would like to use the logbook without having to import QSO's.

That's where JT-Alert comes in. JT-Alert will take my QSO's from WSJT-X and put them into HRDLog automatically. How cool is that? Not only that, but JT-Alert has some other great functions too. Like alerts! HELLO!!! It actually speaks to me when a station I want comes on the air. And hold on, because it does much more!

WSJT-X Install

Before installing the WSJT-X program, download and install a time keeper. Correct computer time is essential (no way around it) when using these modes. I use NetTime and you can download it here.

After you have NetTime, download and install WSJT-X from here. It's a simple install, do this first.

JT-Alert Install And Setup

Go to You'll get the JT-Alert program and two additional support files. There's the callsign database and sounds.

Install Instructions for first JT-Alert install.

  • Download HamApps_JTAlert_latest version_Setup.exe
  • Run HamApps_JTAlert_latest version_Setup.exe to install
  • Install the Sound and Database files
  • Start JTAlert

.NET download for those needing it

NOTE: If you are using HRD, have it open and running before starting WSJT-X and JT-Alert.

For setting things up, watch this:

YouTube player


Here is an excellent source for changing the Wide Graph in WSJT-X. I've used it and it has been very helpful. WSJT-X User Guide.

If you have any questions or comments, please make them below. Thanks for watching and best 73 and good DX.


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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7 years ago

Hi Rich,

Larry here, K7LRB. I seem to be having trouble getting JT Alert to install on my raspberry pi. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and 73,
de Larry

6 years ago
Reply to  Larry

Hi Rich

Thank you so much for your guide, my WSJT-X JT Alert wasn’t connecting properly for some days now, uninstalled both programs and re-installed following your guide.

Working now


7 years ago

Hi there,

instaled GRD Wsjt-x and JTalert …everthong is working ok… also transfer qso infos in HRD except for the name of QSO corispondent…. it doesn’t pick it up.. in wsjt-x qso log window …..the name field remain blank…. I went fer tomes across setups and setting and I have ll the same seting as my friend bit on his program it works fine….please where to lok or set that the proghram will fill the name of qso operator in qsl window….. thank MIKe

7 years ago

It works with HAMQth tnx 73 de S55G GL

Gary Henfricks
6 years ago

Is it possible to add signal level to the display ?

6 years ago

Is there a version of JT alert for Linux?

6 years ago

Happy New Year Rich!
My setup went hay wire on me after several months and I am attempting to reset everything.
I have the same setup as on this video, radio, software, etc.
The problems that have surfaced are on WSJT-X:
TX and RX lock is not available
Freq window is red and the drop down for bands isn’t working.

Also what the hech is function of the Report window (under the Rx window)

Thanks !

Dean Norris
6 years ago

I recall seeing a post in FB claiming that JT-Alert can be bypassed and I cal log to HRD log directly. Is that true?

William Baron
6 years ago

Can’t select the file name of the HRD ver 5 database I created (and resides on dropbox). JT Alert program doesn’t seem to provide an option to select the database name.. or file location …and therefore isn’t logging. Any suggestions (besides not using the dropbox log with 13,000 qso’s…)Thanks, Bill W1WAB

William Baron
6 years ago

Rich… By trial and error I succeeded in getting the HRD Logbook to work for my special logbook file. Just unchecked the box that said “This is a verison 5 log’ and hit “refresh” on the HRD log program after the QSO. It still doesn’t auto-fill DX station info from my QRZ subscription, but that’s an easy post-QSO fix. Thanks! 73, Bill W1WAB

Dayne, K8CHY
6 years ago

If already have HRD and WSJT-X running can now download JT-Alert and, if so, special instructions to get it running.

Similarly can I add Net Time ?

Cy Turner
6 years ago

I have all programs spoken of here loaded and all work fine. If I DL JT Alert will it automatically log my entries into LOTW or QRZ logbook? Or do I still have to DL the log and convert it before loading into LOTW?

6 years ago

I install all programs for wjt alert , when stating WJT Alert it does a “reading settings data please standby” and then times out to give me a ‘missing or invalid callsign'” error.

Have HRD and WJST -X an rig control is working well. .net is install I have windows 10.


6 years ago

Hi Rich
I’m trying to hook up HRD ver.5 to wsjt-x according to your video.
However I keep getting this message:

“Unable to communicate with the WSJT-X process.
UDP Port : 2237
IP Address :
Values read from WSJT-X config file…

WSJT-X Detected Instance…
Process Window Title : WSJT-X v1.9.1 by K1JT
Process Command Line : “C:\WSJT\wsjtx\bin\wsjtx.exe”

Decode alerts and logging will be unavailable until corrected.”

Any idea what I do wrong ?

73’s de OZ1LHK/Palle

Gary Hayes
6 years ago

Any plans on adding FT8CALL to JT Alert?

5 years ago

When I launch WSTT-X ver 2.0.0-rc3 just installed, an error dialog box stating “Error Loading LotW Users Data Network Error – Too many redirects: ‘’

LOTW and TQSL are also latest versions as of 22 Oct and matching TQSL certificate serial number in computer with LOTW online.

What have I not done correctly for this error to happen?

Gene – K7TXO

5 years ago

I use HRD with FT8 & Ham Apps. JT-Alert does a great job in transferring the FT8 QSO to HRD
LogBook except, suddenly, on v1.9 and now similarly on v2, the ‘Comments’ in QSOLog drop down box does not allow changes and continually reverts back to a previous ‘Comment’ wording. Looked everywhere for an answer. Can you help please.


Chuck KM6VXX
5 years ago

You are the man. Thank you for all the you tubes.

wa3zwx, Chuck
5 years ago

Great and easy to use.

Mel Hughes
5 years ago

I’m using v. 2.13.7 of JT-Alert to log my FT-8 contacts to HRD (latest version). There seems to be an issue with the logging of Zones. Zone 3 US spots are posted as CQ Zone 5 and ITU Zone 8, both 2 larger that they should be (3&6). However VE7’s post correctly as CQ zone 3 and ITU zone 2.
Is this a bug in the program or have I done something incorrectly in the setup?

Thanks, de Mel – K6SY

5 years ago


Can I use JT Alert with JTDX?

4 years ago

Hi Rich from IK1BQD Silvio in Torino;Italy; i am looking for JT ALERT 2.1 for my old AMD64 ATHLON with WIN 7, I CANT INSTAL NET. SOFTWARE it is impossible! How i can loking for download it ?? can you send me a link .I signed my subcription to your email now.
73 by IK1BQD Silvio ik!

2 years ago

FT8 scope pattern looks like a tent with saging on both sides. FT4 verystraight with audio shift moving the CXR as it should. FT8 just started this last month after 3-4 yrs of use daily on ssb/ft8/ft4 rtty. RF Levels in icom and wsjtx software, rf levels up and,;donuts on all cables; swr, different antennas,; dummy load,; MOD Levels. bottom line : FT4 works completely correct, FT8 ham will respond if my level to him is OVER +5dbm. A ham said he thinks there is distortion. on my ft8 from the flaring, but not ft4 signal. IC7300 runs on ssb, ft8/4, rtty, daily with just this one glitch. Broad skirt about 1 KHz on each side of CXR. Suspect modulator switched in for FT8 broadening and I know FT8/FT4 are different protcals.

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