Checkout How Wfview and Log4OM Work Together

Wfview and Log4OM - #Powerhouse combo of two FREE Ham Radio Programs. Now that Wfview and ACLog are running well together I thought I will try using Wfview and Log4OM together. I love Log4OM and it is my favorite Free logging program. Similar instructions are also on the Wfview website. My configuration is slightly different because I want to eventually use Fldigi and WSJT-X with these programs. I'm using VSPE to split my com port so I can not only use it for Wfview, but also for CW keying in Fldigi. See my previous post Wfview Icom Interface and ACLog Solution.

Using VSPE for Wfview and Log4OM

I am using VSPE to split the USB COM port, COM5 to COM1. COM1 is used in Wfview for the waterfall and rig control.

Because COM1 is the product of VSPE, I can use it for CW keying in Fldigi. If you don’t need CW transmit you don’t need to add VSPE into the mix. I used VSPE and have some important settings regarding it in this video.

There are important setting not to be missed. See below.

One photo below shows the External Control screen. That setting allows for Rigctld to be used in Fldigi and WSJT-X.

Log For The Old Man (Log4OM)

Log4OM is an excellent logging program and has more bells and whistles than other logging programs I use. It's also a FREE logging program.

For rig control in Log4OM go to Program Configurations and then to CAT Interface. Under the Settings tab set the CAT Engine to Hamlib. Under the Hamlib tab, put a checkmark next to the "Connect to the active HAMLIB interface" and use the same ADDRESS and Port as I use in the photos below.

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Thank you

I’ll have more on this topic in an upcoming video. You can follow Mr. B. and myself on our travels using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and/or YouTube.

If you have any questions about Wfview, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

If you have any questions about Wfview, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I sincerely appreciate it. Please send a question I can turn into a YouTube #Short or #TechTips video.

Have you seen Ham Radio Tees by KØPIR?

Stay in touch, stay safe and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Fred Goode
1 year ago

More great info Sir. Your’s is one of my favorite channels I sub to.
Question: Have you settled on Log4OM? I’ve seen you’ve used everything else I use such as HRD and N3FJP. I’ve also tried out a few like N1MM+ and a few MAC apps I’ve seen you have also worked with.
I’m still looking for the one logging app to rule them all. I mess up my logs sometimes trying to transfer/update from one app to another.
What do you think? I’m getting tired of log application drama. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you and Mr. B. Thanks for all your content.

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