Author: K0PIR

icom 7610 ft8 ready 2

Definitive In-Depth Operating Guide to WSJT-X FT8 Part 2

I just finished up my second video to the In-depth guide to WSJT-X FT8 operation. It’s on YouTube right now. Don’t miss Part 1 and the accompanying post In-Depth WSJT-X Easy Method – v2.6.1 FT8 Newest WSJT-X v2.6.1 and Highlighted...

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In-Depth WSJT-X Easy Method – v2.6.1 FT8 Part 1

Well after a few years of running WSJT-X on Windows, Linux, macOS and the Raspberry Pi, it looks like to me the winner is FT8 by a long shot. That’s where the users are. My old post in 2017, WSJT-X...

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Calling CQ – Single Sideband Modulation

I’ve been Ham operator for many years and have heard a lot of CQ’s in my lifetime, so bear with me and I’ll tell you the most effective ways I’ve heard Hams calling CQ on Single Sideband. For New Hams:...

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Making the case for FT8

Ham radio has seen a decline in popularity in recent years, but a new digital mode called FT8 is helping to revive interest in the hobby. FT8 is a fast, effective way to communicate, and it’s perfect for those who...

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Time Synchronization for FT8

When traveling frequently, it can be difficult to maintain an accurate time setting on your computer for FT8, a critical requirement in order to decode optimally. One second off and you’ll significantly reduce your chances of optimal decoding. I use...

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Flurry of Videos from Hamcation

It’s not too late to check it out! Recently, I’ve been posting several videos about Hamcation on YouTube. Keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks. Attendees at the recent HamCation in Orlando had the benefit of attending...

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