Using the Icom 7300 with NEW Ham Radio Deluxe and WSJT-X

New Ham Radio Deluxe and WSJT-X Video! This is a refresher with the latest software. In the video below Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5 and WSJT-X v2.0. There are a few differences from my older videos that are noticeable. See setting receive level and a small glitch in WSJT-X. Also, QSO forwarding in HRD Logbook.

new wsjt-x

New Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5

One of the most noticeable differences with Ham Radio Deluxe is the ability to forward QSO's from WSJT-X to the HRD Logbook. I have an article on this: HRD Logbook and WSJT-X Integration.

QSO forwarding is in the video below.

There is also a possible glitch with setting the mode using Ham Radio Deluxe as the rig in WSJT-X and my solution to that in the video.

WSJT-X v2.0

WSJT-X 2.0 is what prompted me to do a new video. WSJT-X looks different now. For one, the WSJT-X main window does not include a receive level slider. It's been gone a while. The receive level is set using either Windows sound properties or ACC/USB AF Output Level in the Icom 7300. This is shown in the video.

The new WSJT-x v2.0 also has a minor glitch with the logging window and retaining the power or comment fields. This is in the video and not a big problem. It will be fixed.

As always, timing is crucial with FT8 and other modes in WSJT-X. I have been using NetTime and it works very well.

Icom 7300 New Firmware v1.30

The Icom 7300 has been updated over the years so in the video I'll go over my internal settings. The related settings can also be found on my screen captures page, K0PIR Screen Captures.

Refresh Video with Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5 and WSJT-X v2.0

I apologize, I tried to cover too much in this video, so please comment or ask your questions below. I'l be happy to clarify.

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1. Setting up IC-7300: 00:50
2. Receiver Setup: 08:06
3. HRD Connect: 07:52
4. WSJT-X Settings: 09:03
5. JT Alert: 15:34 (just for demonstration)
6. Making a QSO: 17:05
7. HRD Logbook: 20:38

NOTE: I was using JT Alert just for demonstration. To continue to use it I would need to enable logging in it (to HRD Logbook) and disable QSO Forwarding in HRD Logbook, otherwise the alerts will not be accurate.

Comments & Questions

I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your questions will undoubtedly help others here as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I appreciate the comments, questions and suggestions. You can follow me on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube if you have those.

Please stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR

Resources or Links

Icom USB Driver and Firmware
K0PIR Screen Captures
K0PIR TX Power
K0PIR Receive Settings
WSJT-X The Easy Way
WSJT-X and HRD QSO Forwarding
JT Alert


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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6 years ago

Hi Rich on SSB I’m wondering how you have your 7610 setup with Drive Gain and Mic Gain using the Heil Pro 7

6 years ago

Hi Rich, a little tip from me. In WSJT-X waterfall, right-click an empty area and click on the small menu
“Set Rx & Tx Offset”.

73 the OZ1QX, Eivind

6 years ago

Rich, thanks for the video update. One thing I missed and just figured out, when doing the qso forwarding from WSJT-X to HRD the receive port values in my case 2237 must match in both softwares in order for qso to migrate from WSJT-X to HRD. Thanks for the refresher and 73 John W1JMA

John Long
6 years ago

Hi Rich, Thanks for the updated setup video. The setup works great on my IC-7300 and wsjt-x. However, once I bring in JTAlert I get duplicate logs and HRD Logbook does a minidump and closes. I was set up for ACLogs on JTAlert and I switched to HRD in the logging setup. I am sure that I have something pointed wrong but I can’t find it.

Thanks again


John "Mike" Long
6 years ago

Hi Rich,
You were right on point. I disabled QSO Forwarding in HRD Logbook and JTAlert sends the QSO to HRD Logbook. I Like JTAlert for the info that it provides prior to initiating the contact.

BTW, thanks for all the hard work that you put into all of your videos. In the last month I have watched K0PIR videos twice as much as I have watched TV. Of course I have to re-watch some of them because my retention time has been hampered by age. :-}

John “Mike” AG7OB

Terry Hall
6 years ago

Thank you for all the hard work that you put into generating your excellent and informative videos!
Using the same software as you and an updated Windows 10 computer. Everything seems ok except that I am not generating any output power from my IC-7300. If I switch the mode to AM I can see the output power on the screen. Any suggestions please?
Terry K6MA

Albert Tacke
6 years ago

Hi Rich, fantastic videos. Tnx. You might have covered it but I missed it, but I can’t connect both hrd and wsjt-x at the same time. Just one or the other. I get the mamlib error, com busy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Al KD8TRS

George B
6 years ago

Great instruction as always!
Do you have anything on using two radios with WSJT?
My 7300 works great with it so I would so use my Yeasu FT990 via my Rigblaster Advantage.I plan to use only one radio at a time but can’t figure how to save two configurations, like HRD allows you to choose at startup. Thank you got any help!

George B
6 years ago
Reply to  George B

Thank you Sir. I will look for and view it this afternoon.

George B
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Rich, you are the best!
The Ham Radio community has been blessed with your willingness to share your time and knowledge. Thank you for investing your time to assist
me, and your great responses to the all the questions from others…
Waiting for your future posts.
You are truly the ELMER for all of us.

Fred Ferguson
6 years ago

Hi Rich,
I have been trying to help a friend get there new IC-7300 up and running with HRD new ver., and WSJT-X new ver. Have it receiving just fine. But when put into TX or TUNE mode the radio keys up but no output, the audio comes out the speaker. The mic and speaker are set to the audio codec. Also get ERROR MSG: Error in sound output. And error opening the audio output device has occurred.

Fred Ferguson
5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hello Rich,

It is a windows 10 system. I have removed the driver and reinstalled it. Now I get audio through the computer speakers with the usb audio codec selected on the computer and wsjtx it goes away when I select high def speakers on the computer.

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