HRD Logbook and WSJT-X Integration | New HRD v6.4.0.886

HRD Logbook now includes "QSO Forwarding". With QSO forwarding in HRD Logbook there's no need to use JT Alert, although JT Alert is still beneficial to many users, including myself. According to the author, "Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook receives QSOs directly from WSJT-X as-if they originated in DM-780." This is what many have been waiting for or expected to see. In the past JT Alert and HRD have had an on & off type relationship. This eliminates any future  incompatibilities between JT Alert and HRD.

HRD Logbook QSO Forwarding will also work with FT8Call.

HRD Logbook QSO Forwarding

After installing the new HRD v6.4.0.886 you'll see "QSO Forwarding" under Tools>Configure in HRD Logbook.

In the "QSO Forwarding" window we just need to enable "UDP Receive". The "Receive Port" I am using is 2333. My "Target Database" is my default logbook and "My Station fields" I have set to "Merged". See below.

WSJT-X Settings

In WSJT-X I tried using Ham Radio Deluxe as the "Rig". It appears to be working well with my Icom 7610 and should work well with any other radio including the Icom 7300. If you do not start HRD rig control, you can use your radio as the "Rig" with the appropriate "Serial Port Parameters". This may be best for some. See my article "A New Spin on JT Alert".

Under the Reporting tab you will need to enable "N1MM Logger+ Broadcasts". I have also enabled the "UDP Server" and under "Network Services" the "PSK Reporter Spotting". I find that beneficial and helpful for others. See below.

On the "Reporting" tab I also have "Prompt me to log QSO" ticked.

There is just one USB cable in this configuration between the radio an PC. More explanation is in the video below. HRD Logbook QSO Forwarding will also work with FT8Call.

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Thank you!

A big thanks to subscribers and everyone who posts questions, comments and sends emails to me with ideas and suggestions. I sincerely appreciate it and hope this website helps Ham operators.


Ham Radio Deluxe


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Roger Matschke
6 years ago

Another excellent instructional video. I keep learning more.

Jim Weigand
6 years ago

Thanks for your Videos. You stated that you are only using one cable. Will this setup work with Fox-Hound DX Expedition mode or do you need two cables?
I am having a problem; with WSJT-X set for (Ham Radio Deluxe, CAT, Rear/Data, Data/Pkt. and Fake It) the IC-7300 will default from USB-D to USB after every transmission. When I transmit again it will generally go back to USB-D but not always and then back to USB in receive. It almost seems like a timing issue or a conflict on the USB cable. Any ideas?

Jim Weigand N9BW
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich,
Thanks for your prompt reply. I am using one USB cable and no VSPE. I tried all that you mentioned except maybe using 7300 for rig control. After all day of trying different combinations I don’t remember. But after sending you the question I got to thinking about my comment about a conflict on the USB. I went back last night and looked at the CI-V settings. The original “How To Setups” called for 9600 baud rate. So I tried the max rate of 115200 rate in the CI-V setup and also in the Connect setup for HRD. That solved the problem. It did seem to create another problem of multiple log entries into HRD logbook; interesting. I think I saw that discussed in one of you discussions. I will search through them (so many) for a solution. Maybe the baud rate issue will help some others.
Thanks, Jim N9BW

Scott Campbell
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I also have this problem with an extra log entry. It doesn’t seem to affect ever entry but when the duplicates occur the time is different. Same minute but off by 15 to 45 seconds. Also, in one entry the name is all caps and the other name is normal case. I use JTAlert.

Scott KI5AWX

Shaun Stoddart
2 years ago

I used to have the exact issue, I found that when in F/h Mode, all I did one day was set my TX at 1500hz or more and it stopeed doing it. This is when “fake it” is selected.

6 years ago

Rich, thank you so much for this article. I was struggling with getting rig control and logging set up for JTAlert and HRD Logbook to be fully automated. Finally a straightforward article, easy to follow, and it works!

73, Paula K7PAX

6 years ago

Will this work with WSJT-X without HRD Rig. I would prefer to have WSJT do direct rig control of my 7300.

Jim, AD0YO
5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

So, this is my current setup using two cables and UnLink from Remote:

WSJTX direct CAT control of my 7300 using COM4 at 115200 bps.
WSJTX does more complete, fast CAT control than using HRD as rig control.
HRD Rig Control using COM5 at 9600 bps.
Just so it gets frequency, etc. Otherwise I don’t use it.
WSJTX UDP to HRD Logbook.
WSJTX UDP to JTAlert with no forwarding. JTAlert is quicker this way.

Barry Scanlan KY4K
5 years ago

Nice article….. You say “With QSO forwarding in HRD Logbook there’s no need to use JTAlert, although JTAlert is still beneficial to many users, including myself.” This is what I am looking for. My WSJT-X forwards contacts to HRD Logbook…. I like that… but how do you get JTAlerts not to send its contacts to HRD logbook as well but still have JTAlerts function as it should?

Brian Slota
4 years ago

I’m a newer ham with a General license with a Yaesu FT450D. I installed HRD and WSJT-X and haven’t been able to align the two until after watching your video.

Thanks again.

Brian KE0WHU

Guy De Marco
4 years ago

Just wanted to add my thanks for the excellent walk-through in both written and video formats. Finally got things to start working together.

Best 73 & DX,

mike NQ3K
4 years ago

nice video. But I cant seem to get hrd to be recognized in wsjt as the rig.What am i missing.. The rig is F950

mike NQ3K
4 years ago

Well, that was eas.
Thanks, Rich

3 years ago

Thanks for this very helpful how-to. This was exactly what i was looking for. I’ve tried for hours to get HRD and WSJT-X talking together. Thanks to you i found out, i have to set HRD to accept the forwarding… i didn’t knew that. I thought, just running the network server of the HRD logbook should do the job… my mistake. Now it works!

Thank you!

73 de Sven, DO8SWG

3 years ago

Roger, love your website and youtube channel! Thanks so much to you and your guests for all the great info.
I need your help in getting my Yaesu FTDX10 to work with WSJT-X and Ham Radio Deluxe. I’ve tried everything I can, but no go. I’m getting a wide orange band running down the middle of my WSJT-X graph at 1500, and I must have some settings wrong in my rig, HRD, or WSJT-X. I also use GridTracker and its accompanying Call Roster. I’d be okay with you taking control of my PC and getting this to work, or perhaps step by step instructions. I use HRD Logbook, but can’t get it to automatically upload from WSJT-X or LoTW or QRZ logbook; maybe need one ADIF logbook in one place on my pc? Sorry, but I’m new to this great hobby. I’d sure appreciate your help, especially having just gotten out of the hospital a few weeks ago from having Covid pneumonia! Thanks so much!

3 years ago

RIch, please forgive me for accidentally writing Roger in my earlier post. I just got out of the hospital a few weeks ago from having Covid pneumonia, so I’m still slow!
Rich, love your website and Youtube channel! Thanks so much to you and your guests for all the great info.
I need help in getting my Yaesu FTDX10 to work with WSJT-X and Ham Radio Deluxe. I’ve tried everything I can, but no go. I’m getting a wide orange band running down the middle of my WSJT-X graph at 1500, so I must have some settings wrong in my rig, HRD, or WSJT-X. I also use GridTracker and its accompanying Call Roster. I use one USB cable from the DX10 to my PC.
I’d be okay with you taking control of my PC and getting this to work, or perhaps step-by-step instructions. I use HRD Logbook, but can’t get it to automatically upload from WSJT-X, LoTW, or QRZ logbook; maybe need one ADIF logbook in one place on my pc? Sorry, but I’m new to this great hobby. I’d sure appreciate your help. Thanks so much!
73s to you and your wonderful guests!

3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich,
Thanks so much for getting back so fast! My fault entirely; totally coincidental, but the problem occurred exactly after a Microsoft update, so I assumed that messed up the HRD, but it was me, who accidentally must have hit the V/M button on the front of my Yaesu FTDX10. Once I pressed the V/M button on the DX10, WSJT-X worked fine. But I have to say I’m still having problems with HRD logbook automatically updating from LoTW. I’m thinking of switching my logging software to Log4OM, especially after watching your fantastic videos and your website tutorials. Log4OM seems so much less cluttered and easier to use than HRD, and HRD still does not have full FTDX10 integration, which may be causing my logbook problems. Would I still need Omnirig with Log4OM if I had the CAT driver installed from Yaesu for the FTDX10? And, thanks so much again for all your wonderful instructional videos, your website, and your patreons and guests!

3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

YOU are AMAZING! Thanks so much, Brother! Your website and YouTube channel are beyond great. I went to the Yaesu forum link you provided, and joined, but no mention of the FTDX10 with OmniRig config yet. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. I’m going through your YouTube channel and website to see if there’s anymore info for settings on Log4OM with GridTracker, WSJT-X, and my FTDX10, that I may have missed. Again, thank you so much!

3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thanks so much for all your help and insight! Your website and YouTube channel are of infinite help! I installed and have been successfully navigating with Log4OM, WSJT-X, and GridTracker. But, there doesn’t seem to be a configuration in OmniRig for the Yaesu FTDX10, although online they say it should be there. Am I missing something?
And, I hope I have everything configured correctly.
Thanks so much, again!
Frank, K2PF

Shaun Stoddart
2 years ago

Awesome tutorials,,, now having upgraded from the 7300 to the 7610, I have gained a wealth of useful tools in my quest to have the most rock solid settings in my radios and software. Tnx Rich, Merry Xmas and 73
Shaun VK4VO

2 years ago

Thanks for the guide, I followed the settings in both software but the LOG transfer from WSJT-x and HRD logbook does not work, what can be the problem?

Thank you and best 73 de IW0RZB

2 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Yes, the port 2333 was correct on both software, as indicated i start before HRD Logbook and after WSJTX but it does not work, there is another way to check the problem?

Thank you and 73 de IW0RZB – Matteo

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