Tagged: macOS

RumLogNG Elecraft K3S 0

Setting Up RUMLogNG with The Elecraft K3S: Tips and Tricks for Smooth Operation

Setting up RumLogNG with Elecraft K3S is a breeze with these helpful tips and tricks. From configuring the software to optimizing the radio settings, this guide ensures a smooth operation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced operator, get ready to enhance your logging experience and make the most out of your Elecraft K3S.


MacLoggerDX Fldigi AutoLog Script with PTT App.

If you have used MacloggerDX with Fldigi you may have run into trouble and needed some help. One issue is Fldigi automatically logging to MacloggerDX and the other issue is getting Fldigi to key the transmitter (PTT). How is it...

js8call main window 2

JS8Call and MacLoggerDX Part I

If you tried JS8Call a long time ago and didn’t like it, try this latest version because it’s much better. See what Turbo mode is all about! Getting MacLoggerDX and JS8Call v2.1 working together was fairly easy. I have a...

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