SSB Phone Microphone Treble – What difference does Treble Make?

What a difference a small amount of treble makes in our Icom transceivers. Adjusting the treble +2 or -2 can make a noticeable difference. Below I have three different microphones and comparisons between treble settings.  I included the BM800, SM-50 and Yamaha CM500 audio samples. Have a listen and tell me what you think. I use a Y cable that came off E-Bay(HS-01C), a foot switch and a Samson mic boom.

microphone treble

Icom 7610 and Icom 7300 Tone Control

In these two transceivers the microphone treble and bass can be adjusted for RX and TX. See the Icom 7300 Full Manual pg 12-3. The adjustments can be made for the following modes: AM, FM, SSB and even CW and RTTY on receive.

My SSB RX is using HPF/LPF 100-2400 Hz. My SSB TX Treble is +4.

Compromises with Hearing and/or Hearing Aids

Important information from a fellow Ham and food for thought.

One thing that I believe very few of us middle aged and older hams think about is the "last mile" of that audio link, our ears!

To not put too fine a point on it, is your hearing "flat"? Do you use hearing aids? If not, have you been tested?

I do use hearing aids, and I noticed that your demo with TREBLE +4 sounds too bright when I am wearing them, but about right when I am not. With the aids your +2 setting sounded better. - W0FAA

Samples of Microphone Treble

Yamaha CM500 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +2

Yamaha CM500 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +4

SM-50 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +2

SM-50 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +4

BM800 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +2

BM800 Comp 3 TBW Wide Bass -2 Treble +4

Thank you

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Rich, K0PIR

Similar LED Sign as in the top photo.

SSB Compression - Based on an article by Dr. Brian Austin, GØGSF (ex-ZS6BKW)


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Larry Miles
5 years ago

I have been studying about the possibility of connecting my IC 7300 to HRD for digital mode use. I’m sure the cables were connected before updating the drivers. Is there a method to correct the situation?

John W7AJN
5 years ago

Hi Rich, Checked them all and I do like the +2 Bass and the +4 Treble.

John K.
5 years ago

HI Rich
I´m not using hearing aids, and find that your BM 800 and the SM-50 sounds close to equal!
I prefer the settings Bass -2 Treble +2 on both mikes. Wery nice audio and easy to read in the noice.

73 de OZ1QZ John

Don Howard
5 years ago

can I buy “on air”… where ???

Don Howard
5 years ago

the ‘ON THE AIR” sign .. where can I buy it.???? anybody

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