Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"


Icom 7610 RX Antenna Usage, Dualwatch and Tracking

This article and video shows how to use the Icom 7610 RX antenna selection, Dualwatch and Tracking. You’ll need to connect a receiving (RX) antenna to the Icom 7610. In the video, three ways are shown to use a receiving...

elecraft kx2 wsjt-x 8

Elecraft KX2 and WSJT-X Easy Setup

Sometimes all we need is a little QRP transceiver, a weak signal mode and a good antenna. In comes the Elecraft KX-2, WSJT-X and a random wire. It can be used successfully in the field or at home (Ham Shack...


SSB Phone Microphone Treble – What difference does Treble Make?

What a difference a small amount of treble makes in our Icom transceivers. Adjusting the treble +2 or -2 can make a noticeable difference. Below I have three different microphones and comparisons between treble settings.  I included the BM800, SM-50...


Setting Up Mic Gain and Compression

What are the best mic gain and compression settings? Using the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 I have multiple mics to use. Each mic is a little different. I’ll show you how I setup the mic gain and compression on...

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