Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"


Icom 7300 Portable at Table Rock Lake

Good day Ham friends, shortwave listeners and shut-in’s. I love using my Icom 7300 portable. On my way to Alabama I got to operate at Table Rock Lake in Missouri. It is a park listed in Parks On The Air...

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N0VCU Boat Anchor Collection and Fan Dipole Videos

Good Day Ham friends and boat anchor lovers! Who doesn’t like a good boat anchor collection? While in Neosho Missouri for the Breakfast Club picnic I had the pleasure of visiting N0VCU’s Ham Shack and shop. Steve has a terrific...

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The Breakfast Club Picnic – A Large Time

Good morning Ham friends, shortwave listeners and shut-ins. What is the Breakfast Club picnic? It happens every year (barring unforeseen pandemics). It happens in different places around the country too. This year we were in Neosho, MO. and enjoyed terrific...

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Tech Tips For Ham Radio

Good day all! I have been answering questions from Hams all over and I prepared a few Tech Tips videos. I hope to make many more of these. My original idea was to keep these short so they could be...

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