NEW Mode FT8 And HRD V6 Logging Is Again Supported by JTAlert

YES! There's a new mode, FT8. FT8 is fast and the ability to make contacts quickly is pretty exciting.  Also, more good news: Ham Radio Deluxe V6 logging is again supported by JTAlert. In addition to logging my QSO's from WSJT-X in to HRD Logbook, JTAlert notifies me when a needed station is on. We're back in business!

FT8I know, I know, not another digital mode! Well this time it is pretty exciting. The transmission/receive duration on FT8 is only 15 seconds. So the ability to make a lot of contacts, DX contacts too, quickly is pretty exciting to me. It's a little like contesting, but no contest 🙂

Join The FT8 Excitement

WSJT-X makes it easy with auto sequencing.  If it wasn't for automatic sequencing, I don't think I would have tried it. It's so fast at first! "Check Auto Seq in WSJT-X software to have the computer make the necessary decisions automatically, based on messages received." - WSJT-X User Guide

WSJT-X also generates the standard messages for you.

If you already have WSJT-X, just upgrade to the latest and the same goes for JTAlert, get v2.10 if you want to use logging to HRD v6 or if you want the FT8 mode.

Icom 7300 Software Tutorials

If you are new to this, I have a article on getting everything installed and working. See WSJT-X JTAlert Automatically Logs To HRDLog.

Also, have a look at Icom7300 WSJT-X Combined With HRD and JTAlert.

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In the video above: Icom 7300 settings, NR & NB settings, turning AGC off, increasing FIL1 to 3.6k, split mode operation, USB driver date, WSJT-X settings and JTAlert settings.

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In this video: Calling CQ and making FT8 contacts. This is using automatic sequencing. WSJT-X does all the work. Using JTAlert, it logs right into HRD logbook v6.4. From there it is uploaded to, and eQSL.


  1. Sometimes the other person sends the same transmission over and over. They are either not able to decode my message (poor prop, QRM) or it's user error. They may not be using auto sequencing.

Questions or comments? Please make them below.


WSJT-X ( Scroll down to see version 1.8)

JT Alert Hamapps official site

Installing MySQL (MariaDB) for your HRD Logbook

Update: I got a message that HRD v6 support in JTAlert will be discontinued after v2.10.


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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John Bates
7 years ago

Why do you operate in split mode? Is it because you are using both WSJT-X and HRD at the same time?

John Bjerke
7 years ago

Hi Rich,
Thank you very much for this excellent video. In the video you mention changing your HRD database to SQL. I think you said there were instructions on your site for how to do this, but I can’t seem to locate them. Did I misunderstand? Thanks!

Bill Downie N9JRB
6 years ago

I enjoy your videos so much I an thinking of getting a ICOM I now have ft2000d the support is not there .Your videos explaine cover then very well.i would like to know the video number or date for setting sound card to the proper level. I use hrd ,wsjt and jtalert. Windows 19 pro.

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