K0PIR Returns Home: IC-7610 Needs a Firmware Update

The Return of K0PIR to Home QTH and the IC-7610 Needs Firmware Update

After a long and adventurous journey, I am thrilled to announce that I'm back at the home QTH. I noticed today my IC-7610 needs a firmware update! Joy!

The journey back to the home QTH was not without its challenges, but the weather was great!

Being back at the home QTH has been enjoyable. I have been able to reconnect with old friends, revisit familiar frequencies/places, and rekindle my enthusiasm for this incredible hobby. I have also been able to reflect on my travels and appreciate the time I spent with my brother.

In the days and weeks ahead, I look forward to sharing more about my radio experiences, insights, and adventures at the home QTH.

This is my to-do list for the Ham Shack and Website so far:

  1. Update IC-7610 Firmware (video below)
  2. Reconnect USB3.0 cable and install HDSDR (video coming)
  3. Install CW Skimmer (video coming)

In conclusion, I have plenty to keep myself occupied and distract me from my brother's passing. I will go back to my old webpages and videos to finish the tasks listed above, and should there be any corrections needed, such as broken links, I'll fix them.

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Thank You

Have you updated your 7300 or 7610 firmware? Please comment below and if you have a recommendation or questions for me, I'd love to hear it. Whether it's about operating, equipment or anything else, I'd love to hear from you. To stay up to date with Mr.B and I on our travels, follow us at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Comments really help this website and it not only helps you, but other readers as well! I'm incredibly thankful for all of our subscribers–their support makes this website possible. Stay in touch and warmest wishes & best 73! – Rich, KØPIR

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Icom 7610 Firmware V1.30 – Scroll Mode Added

Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package

24 kHz CW Skimmer with the Icom 7610 | How To

In case you missed the last video

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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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5 months ago

Hi there. Nice to see your back from your travels. Sorry to hear about your brother.
Over here things have not gone to well and I’ve completely lost my radio enthusiasmradio probation over here in Thailand is terrible at best. The propagation on the upper bands is mostly not usable.
Hope you have fun in your radio room.

5 months ago

Sorry to hear about your Brother. That’s rough. Hope you are doing ok.
Take care of yourself. None of us are getting any younger 🙂

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