WSJT-X FT8 and the Icom 7300 the Easy Way!

Are you looking for an easy way to try out the new WSJT-X FT8 mode? If you have the Icom 7300 I assure you this cannot get any easier or better. There's no need for an external sound card (Signalink) or any other hardware. The Icom 7300 suffices. The only thing needed is a USB cable (install the driver from Icom before connecting a USB cable) and WSJT-X.

"WSJT-X implements communication protocols or "modes" called FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon.  These modes were all designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme weak-signal conditions." - WSJT Home Page

Stand Alone Preferred by Many

Over the past few weeks I have run across Hams who have been using WSJT-X just like this. No integration with any other programs. There is really no need for JTAlert, QSO Relay or any logbook. This is the preferred way to operate for many Hams.

Super Simple Installation

I'll put the download link below. This is a safe, small and easy program to get running on your computer. Windows, Linux and Macintosh are supported. Go to the link below, click on it and download the file to your computer. From there it will vary, depending on computer OS, but in Windows just double-click the downloaded file and go through the installation prompts. It is super simple!

Important: Use something for time sync. I use NetTime.

YouTube player


In WSJT-X there are just a few configuration settings to get the Icom 7300 on the air with FT8.

  • In the software, under File and Settings, on the General Tab enter your callsign and grid square.
  • On the Radio tab select the Icom 7300 for the Rig. You'll need to know your COM port number.
  • On the Audio tab tell WSJT-X what your Soundcard Input and Output are. It's going to be the Icom 7300 USB Audio CODEC for both.

The rest is in the video. There are just a few more things to look at and you'll be on the air.

Icom 7300 Internal Settings

If you haven't already done so, you can have a look at them here: Icom 7300 Easy Transmitter Settings For Digital Operation.

Here are internal screencaptures from my Icom 7300's menu system.

WSJT-X The Easy Way!

YouTube player

In this video I cover the download locations for WSJT-X, how to run it and using the built in logging capability. Also included, additional settings, making a contact and finally importing WSJT-X log into HRD logbook.

Once you get it installed I have a few more videos on the Icom 7300 to improve reception, transmit and make the WSJT-X Wide Graph (waterfall) look its best. See below.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my website. There will be more to come on the IC-7300 and IC-7610.

Have you been on FT8? What do you think about it?


Rich, K0PIR

Sources and Reference

WSJT-X download

Using the Wide Graph

Icom 7300 Receiver Settings For Digital

Icom 7300 Easy Transmitter Settings For Digital

Icom 7300 settings that work:




USB Serial Function = CI-V



CI-V Address = 94h

CI-V Transceive = ON


CI-V USB BAUD Rate = 115200

CI-V USB Echo Back = ON

[sibwp_form id=4]


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Roger Matschke WA9MSR
7 years ago

Thanks Rich. You ended several days of frustration trying to get my IC-7300 to transmit using PSK 31 and HRD. One stinking little setting was wrong in the 7300. Thanks for your efforts with the very informative videos.
I was just ready to start setting up for FT8 when your latest video came out. Perfect timing.

Have a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Jon Bennett
7 years ago

I so much enjoy the videos and learn a great deal when watching them.
Re the Icom 7300 and the running of WSJTX software, I too have the problem with the
with the “USB-D” jumping back to “USB” after transmission. The packet setting does not seem to make
any change in correcting the fault for me.
It faked me out for a while not transmitting and then I remembered your comment of the USB-DATA comment.
Switching back manually sets it to one transmit then it goes and then back to usb.
Happy New Year to you young man.
Richmond, VA

7 years ago

Very good
Fixing to down load today and see what
Happens. 1st attempt no audio. I’ll delete
And start afresh.
73 and all the best

7 years ago

Hi Rich, tnx for the various informative videos on the 7300 and the one on FT8 and WSJT-X in particular. Triggered an interest in digital modes and got things quickly working without going through massive documentation. Which I’m now doing anyway one I’m really nterested 🙂

Happy New Year and best 73!


John, K4ZVO
7 years ago

When installing the driver, should I select bit version that matches the installed OS?

alan waddington
7 years ago

Hi Rich
i was running ft8 with the ic7300 everything was ok then for some reason it has stopped showing anything in the band activity part so uninstalled ft8 +jt alert and re installed them but still the same hope you can help
Thank you 73
Alan m0wad

alan waddington
7 years ago

Hi Rich
no i wasn’t using netime i have downloaded it and everything seems to be running ok now
Thanks for your help and i enjoy the videos keep up the good work
73 Alan m0wad

7 years ago

Hi Rich,

Dan here…WA2BTR. I just got the Icom 7300 for Christmas so thank you for the excellent videos. You might have covered this, but when I plug the USB cable in I lose the computer audio. I am trying to follow along with your videos but can’t since the audio goes when I am connected! It’s probably a simple setting I am missing, but any help would be greatly appreciated! I do see the waterfall display on my computer screen by the way using N1MM Logger, but that’s as far as I have gotten.

Thanks and 73,

7 years ago

Thanks Rich…that did it! Hopefully this weekend I’ll get to play with it to see if I can actually get it rolling!

73 de Dan

7 years ago

Thanks for posting the screen shots of the IC-7300 data mode settings. I’d spent a few hours going back and forth between the IC-7300 and my laptop (running WSJT-X on Ubuntu Linux 16.04) trying to figure out why I could receive just fine but transmit was a no-go, I’d convinced myself It was a laptop setting, thanks to your screen shots it turned out that I’d missed a simple setting on the IC-7300. Very grateful, thanks!

Jason VE6JPR

7 years ago

Thank you for very good, useful information.
73 – Mietek SP3CMX

Ben Setzer
6 years ago

I followed your video to setup my 7300 for WSJT-X. I finally got it to work. I seem to be getting a lot of noise in my waterfall and some of the signals are way to wide, ie from 1000 to 1400. What setting do I need to change in the radio. Thanks for any help-your videos are great.


Ben Setzer
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

No help, I have all the settings you suggested already. I GUESS I need to redo all the internal settings in the radio. It seems like too much audio is going to the computer.

Ben Setzer
6 years ago

Thanks, we are getting there. Will these audio setting affect RTTY or do I need to move them up?

Ben Setzer
6 years ago

Thanks for all your help–it is working perfectly now.
You do a fantastic job.


6 years ago

Great instructions, finally allowed me to start working FT8.

Only one issue, when I start Log4OM, it activates the transmit. If I revert to a saved load on the 7300, it works fine, switch back to my digital load on the 7300, and it keys down. What setting do I need to look at?

Tommy K4XB

6 years ago

RTS to low did it, thanks so much!

Tommy K4XB

Frank Sanocki
6 years ago


I have ft8 working fine on one computer but not my other computer. There are no changes to the ICOM 7300 and I am using codex for both input/output on both computers. Do you have any ideas how this can happen?

Frank W2GC

Frank Sanocki
6 years ago

I am using the silicon labs cp210 usb to uart bridge. I have a laptop and everything works perfect. I have a tower and both computers have win 10 installed. On the tower i receive signals I cannot contact anbody and i receive no responses to my CQ. Playback/record are set to CODEX. I am putting out a decent amount of power so I don’t think that is the problem. Everything seems to be set right and WSJT appears to be working fine just no response. I have made no changes to the radio settings.

Thanks for your time and expertise
Frank W2GC

frank sanocki
6 years ago

I am using Net Time on both computers and if i check time .is it shows my time is exact. Is it possible I have a defective sound card? It seems that even though I am transmitting no one can see my transmission. I do not know if I am transmitting any data

Thanks for your help
Frank W2GC

Frank Sanocki
6 years ago

I went to the device manager and it shows my sound card is working properly and it also has the latest driver.

Frank W2GC

Frank Sanocki
6 years ago

Yes I am in USB- D mode. I have made no changes to the radio from one computer to the next. I reinstalled the Silicon Labs driver and checked the codex driver both are to the latest revision. I know the radio works fine and I know the WSJT program works fine. My computer is a refurbished model. It seems to me it has to be the computer some how. Maybe I will get a new computer.


6 years ago

Greetings Rich!
Thanks to you I have been operating WSJT_X for several months. But suddenly this morning my USB audio codec drivers have disappeared!
I am using a 7300 and HRD for rig control and logging.
Where can I find the proper drivers to reinstall?

Frank Sanocki
6 years ago


FYI the problems with my computer not working was my wifi dongle . I replaced the wifi dongle and everything is working great.

Thanks for all your help
W2GC Frank Sanocki

6 years ago

Thanks. Got WJST running quickly. The 7300 is so easy to use. I dumped a FTDX 5000 that required a separate device to run digital modes. The 5000 limited bandwidth in data modes to 2400hz which was irritating for FT8.

Thanks for the help.


6 years ago

Hi Rich
I have the same setup as yourself. When i look at the audio-scope the received signal for ft8 looks flat topped , when the 7300 goes in to transmit my signal looks more of a sine-wave. I can receive ok plenty on the screen, i do not seem to make many contacts. my antenna is a ZS6BKW Multi-band Antenna at 40 ft looking out to the English channel . power is 50 watts on ft8 all settings on the radio seem to be as per the video. ft8 radio settings are USB in mode if i use data/pkt signal output seems lower Split operation is RIG .

Best 73`s

Paul G1ZPJ

6 years ago

Hi there not got a 7300 got its little brother the 7100 I have the Cat connection, the TX can be operated from the pc, the meter on the bottom left. The Waterfall is showing signals. But nothing displayed on the Text screen.

6 years ago

I can not get the Icom 7300 USB Audio CODEC to show up. I have reinstalled the software from Icom seveal times but still do not get the codec to install. I am using windows 10. I installed without the usb cable connected and have restarted the computer after install.

6 years ago


Do you have any idea how to run WSJT-X remote via RS-BA1 ?


Robert Feldtman
6 years ago

I had WSJTx FT8 working with my IC7600, but the 7600 had to go out for replacement of finals..since then I have not been able to get decoding back on WSJTx. Got the sound levels set right, nice waterfall, lots of signals, but no decoding. I have dowloaded the Icom software – tried to reinstall driver, but I read some where the Windows USB audio codec drive reinstalls itself.. I do have a Win 10 computer, should I give up on the old Win 7 and just jump into the Win 10 setup?

John Fraser
5 years ago

Does the Icom IC7300 use the computers sound card for decoding/reading digital modes or is it all done in the IC7300
Many thanks

5 years ago

Hi Rich,

Thanks to your instructions my IC7300 is working like hell with WSJT-X and HRD.

73 de Willem

5 years ago

Hi, Richard!
Today I had my first QSO’s in FT8 mode!!!
Until that time, I had never worked in digital modes.
And all this, thanks to your article!
Thank you very much!
Your article really helped to figure everything out!
All the best to you and your family!
I hope that we will meet on air (including in FT8)
Happy new year 2020!
So many good DX’s!
de: UX2VZ
Op. Vlad

Darren Anthony Davies
5 years ago

Great guide, mate. I had my system working but now when I go back and select CAT in WSJTX the IC 7300 starts to TRANSMIT and doesn’t stop unless I change to RTS or close the program. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Cheers, Darren.

Darren Davies
5 years ago

Thanks Rich. I’ll take a look at the Icom first thing in the morning. Cheers.

4 years ago

your article footnotes have some settings for quick printing which is helpful. however I noticed in your footnotes that it says CI-V transceive = ON, however in your screenshots it says CI-V transceive = OFF.

which are you using please? thanks

4 years ago

Hi and thanks for all the Info on the IC7300. However I screwed up and connected the USB cable to the computer before down loading the Icom driver so have not been able to do anything to get the system working. i did manage to receive FT8 for one day but then that
went away and nothing I have done since has made anything work. Any thoughts on how to reverse my screw up would be greatly appreciated. TNX K9DLI

4 years ago

im at a loss can not get wsjt-x to decode down loaded the new and it stoped working im now bacj to 2.1.0 and still in the same place mite see one or to decode then it stops im stuck help if you can kb8dex

David J Nicholson
3 years ago

I have been reading of other problems in the settings of the radio. I have set up mine as per instructed and my radio will not transmit. When I Test CAT it turns green then Test PTT it turns red but won’t transmit. I checked my settings in my 7300 and found that the CI-V USB Baud Rate 115200 went back to auto. Also the CI-V USB Echo back went back to off. What is wrong?
David J Nicholson WA2PVI

David J Nicholson
3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thank for the comeback. I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. It did not correct the problem. Do you have any other suggestions?

David J Nicholson
3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I will try changing cables and using a different USB port. 73’s & thanks.

3 years ago

Thamks Rich! You saved me again! After a move I finally got my HF antenna up agin after 2 years! I am needing to retrain myself on most things radio. Luckily it is like riding a bike!!
Off to see if you have anything on the new WSTJ-X version

Lance Riffle
2 years ago

Easy for you to say. It doesn’t see the ic7300. Software is usless to me. the IC7300 sound card is usless to me.

2 years ago

Rich, Your videos are spot on! Been using the 7300 with jalert and wsjt-x for ft8 for some time now. My problem is, when I raise the TX audio in wsjt-x to raise my output power I get a feedback squeal which I can’t seem to pinpoint. Of course I have removed all extra connections to the laptop, rerouted cables, triple checked all my radio and pc settings but ng. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks for all the great info you supply in your videos! 73 de ke2yk

Leo Trammell
2 years ago

Rich, thanks for your work to help those of us in need to make the most of the IC 7300. I have been able to use the settings to put several on the air using Windows 10. However, my new computer has Windows 11 and using the same settings, I am unable to get proper communication to use WSJT-X and the IC 7300. Have you encountered any differences in the settings?

Leo Trammell
2 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Yes, I did download and install the USB driver from ICOM. I’ll go over it all again to be sure all my settings match. Thanks for your suggestion.

Leo Trammell
2 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

I found the issue – the microphone level was being automatically adjusted by the computer. Once I turned that off it worked properly. Thanks for your help.

Jim Deaver
1 year ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Guys, went back and saw your thread. Not sure if I’m replying to Leo or Rich or both, but I just got a new computer with windows 11. FT8 is working except on transmit. With the 7300 power up all the way, I’m only kicking out about two watts when I transmit. And of course, no response. I can’t get winlink to connect to a server either, again looks like I’m not driving the output audio enough. I turned up the usb mod I think it was, to like 75% but little change. Can’t find any way so far on computer to increase out vol level on the usb. Any ideas?


John Bjerke
2 years ago

Rich, I want to thank you for keeping these old “lessons” available. I used several of your videos years ago when I set up my IC7300 for digital. I recently had to purchase a new PC for my shack and these videos were again a huge timesaver for me. Thanks again.


Joe Pillitary
1 year ago

My ft8 is not working. I continue to get an error message about a WAV file? Any help is appreciated

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