Icom 7300 PRESET for Digital Mode Operation

Hey guys, thanks for coming by and checking out my post on the Icom 7300 PRESETS. I'll have some interesting followup posts on this topic in the near future.  Also please see my earlier post, VarAC Installation and Configuration With VARA HF and at the bottom of that page is the Icom 7300 PRESET I'm using for VarAC.

What are the Icom 7300 PRESETS used for?

Good question! It manages a number of the transceiver parameters (settings) that can be saved for future use. You can save a combination of the settings for the data mode to quickly change the settings.

I operate a lot of SSB in the morning, so I have a PRESET just for that. Later during the day I operate FT8 and instead of having to manually change my radios settings for best case, I can just load a PRESET for FT8. It's easier to switch back and forth between PRESETS than it is to change the individual settings one by one.

The FT8 PRESET was in the last firmware update, so if you don't have the latest FW in your radio, see this post: Icom 7610 Firmware V1.30 – Scroll Mode Added

For more on PRESETS, please refer to the Icom 7300 Full Manual and Chapter 13. 


You can save any combination of the following settings in a PRESET:

Icom 7300 PRESET

Page 13-6 in the Full Manual will tell you how to create and edit PRESETS. It is fairly intuitive though and I'll have some more detail in an upcoming video.


A few settings I wish they could have included in the PRESET Menu is the Noise Blanker, Noise Reduction and AGC, but we can't have everything can we?

Icom 7300 PRESET for Feld Hell Mode Nets

The Icom 7300 is probably the best Ham transceiver for digital modes for the $$$. It's a workhorse and I've never had mine get hot. When you use FSKH105 for the net, it is a 80% duty cycle. Some of the transmissions are lengthy, but even running full output my radio doesn't get hot.

I was e-mailing a couple of the Feld Held experienced users and one that uses and Icom 7300 too. They had a few good tips I'll pass along.

  1. Always use RSID to sync to the net controls stations frequency.
  2. If you are using Fldigi, use the font, fat 14.
  3. In Fldigi use a receive filter bandwidth of about 120 Hz. (see capture).

Fldigi Feld Hell Modem

I mentioned to Cliff I was having trouble copying the NCS. His print was getting lost in the transmission. So, the last tip Cliff mentioned was to try a Filter BW of 100 Hz in the Icom 7300 receiver. We can do that with a PRESET.

I made a PRESET just for the Feld Hell nets and will try it out this week (see the beginning of the video below). I also have a PRESET just for normal Feld Hell so I can switch to it if needed. As Cliff mentioned and I agree, I like to see what signals are close to mine.

I think setting the Filter BW to 100 Hz will solve another problem I had with unwanted RSID notifications.


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Thank You!

Questions? Please leave a comment below! I am on the FH nets regularly.

Upcoming: I'll have more on Feld Hell and VarAC.

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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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1 year ago

Great tips. I only have 2 presets right now but need to figure out what I need to change for more.

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