Icom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus Setup

icom 7300 n1mmIcom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus: As I get ready to write this I have my N1MM Logger Plus already setup to use in the VOLTA RTTY Contest this weekend. I plan on making a few RTTY (FSK) contacts. N1MM Logger Plus is my contesting software. I'll be the first to admit, I have only scratched the surface when it comes to using this software, but it is incredible stuff. It looks a little intimidating at first, but soon becomes familiar and easy to use. Just try it!

This Icom 7300 N1MM tutorial will get the Icom 7300 SDR connected to the software. You'll still have to setup your Station Data under the Config menu and your macros will probably need edited, depending on the contest you want to operate in.

Icom 7300 N1MM Logger Plus Setup

Two cables are used in this setup. One is the USB cable connected to the radios USB port and the other is a CI-V cable connected to the radios CI-V port. Use the CI-V for rig control and the USB for the soundcard. I have found this to be the easiest, because later on I added cw keying and RTTY (FSK) to the mix.

If you just want to use a USB Cable with HRD and operate some PSK31 or RTTY (AFSK), take a look at this video.

Step one, if you haven’t already, download and install the USB driver from Icom for your Icom IC-7300. Do not connect the USB cable until you have downloaded and installed the driver.

Step two, connect both cables.

Step three, turn your radio on and setup the Icom 7300 using the radio’s menu. Set the following menu items under MENU>SET>Connectors. These are the changes, leave everything else to default settings. I have included a couple of extra settings that will help later on when using PSK31, RTTY (FSK) and CW keying.

  • DATA MOD : Change to USB
  • USB Keying (CW): DTR
  • USB Keying (RTTY): DTR
  • Here are some screenshots.

Step four, if you don’t already have it, download and install N1MM Logger+. It's free and you can find it here.

Step five, start N1MM Logger Plus.

  • Click on Config, then select Configure Ports, Mode Control, Audio, Other...
  • On the Hardware tab select the port that your CI-V cable is on and next to it choose the IC-7300 for the Radio.
  • To the right click on Set.
  • Make sure your Com port is setup correctly. Mine is 9600, N, 8, 1, DTR (Pin4)=CW, RTS (pin 7)=PTT, Icom Code (hex)=94, Radio Nr=1, PTT Delay=30 and PTT via Radio Command SSB Mode is checked. Footswitch (pin 6)=None and Radio Polling Rate=Normal. Click OK to close the window.
  • The next row under Port, choose the COM port your USB cable is connected to.
  • Under Radio choose None.
  • Next to that check Digi and also check CW/Other.
  • To the right click on Set.
  • Make sure this is setup correctly. Mine is DTR (pin 4)=CW, RTS (pin 7)=Always Off, Radio Nr=1, PTT Delay (msec)=30, Dig Wnd Nr=1, Allow ext interrupts and Winkey go UNchecked, Two Radio Protocol=None and Footswitch (pin 6)=None. Click OK to close.
  • Click OK to close the Configurer window. You should not see any errors. If you do, something is not setup correctly. Go back and verify the above settings and make sure your com ports are correct.

You should now be connected. The Icom 7300 N1MM Logger should be displaying the radio frequency at the top of the window next to the icon. See the video below for a visual.

YouTube player

If you do things differently with the Icom 7300 N1MM, or have any suggestions, please comment below. Always happy to hear from fellow Hams! 73 and good DX. - Rich, K0PIR


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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8 years ago

Hello Richard
may be you can help me
i see several of your videos about ic7300
i am using on 1er computer (windows XP)DX4WIN+MTTY and MMTTY+N1MM WITH MY IC756PRO3
i had no problem with MMTTY + DX4WIN or mmtty+N1MM on FSK mode
I have the 2sd PC with WIN7 PRO
like you i am using two port one for CI-V and other for rx tx cw
with my trx IC7300 i am enable to made FSK
i read several of your video but no fsk here
when i use MMTTY only is ok on fsk mode
but when i am using it with DX4WIN or N1MM on RTTY MODE FSK have only a tune
Tnx for reading my message
maybe see you next week end on WAERTTY contest (my favorite mode after 6m band)
73 de alain F6HRP/TM22P

Jasper Jansen
8 years ago

Do I understand that if you want to do CW keying with n1mm logger you need the CI-V cable? Or is the CI-V cable Just for cat control or the USB cable for CW keying?

Lemuel Skidmore
3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Rich, I found the same thing with the cable in the link you provided. I bought an FTDI version and it’s fine. I’ve been through a lot of discussion on the N1MM group on groups.io–the consensus–or at least loudest–opinion seems to be that the CI-V cable is superfluous at best. I have CW working withou it (just the USB cable).

What is your rationale for the 2-cable setup?

73, Lem W1LEM

7 years ago

Hi Richard Ive followed your directions to get N1MM up and running unfortunately when in cw mode my radio puts a continuous cw signal that cannot be switched out from the radio controls any suggestions would be appreciated.
Many thanks for all your posts they very useful especially for new IC7300 owners

7 years ago

Is it possible to use the spectrum scope in n1mm, using a usb cable and ci-v cable on a IC-7300 in rtty mode?

If so, how do you setup everything? I’ve saw several youtube videos on the IC-7300 and n1mm but nothing on the above question.


John KE0YI
7 years ago

I’m curious about the details of how you have the CI-V cable connected between the IC-7300 and your computer. Are you connecting the IC-7300 remote jack directly to a USB port on your computer, or are you using an interface device such as the Icom CT-17?

I was able to get MMTTY working using FSK, but am now working on getting N1MM Logger+ working as well.

Thank you!

John KE0YI
7 years ago

I will definitely give the VSPE software a try. I also have a second monitor that could be hooked up just to show the N1MM spectrum display.

Thanks again!

John KE0YI
7 years ago

Got VSPE installed and have N1MM Logger+ working with MMTTY now with the full screen spectrum display. Will try to find some time to make a few contacts later this week.


Andrew Obrien
6 years ago

How do you “pair” a virtual port with the physical port that is installed by Icom drivers My software is VSPM, it is easy to create virtual ports and pair them but , for example, if the Icom 7610 or 7300 is on Com Port 6 and you want a SECOND application to share frequency read out, how do you do this? Example Commander and CW Skimmer (Omni Rig) both communicating frequency info to/from the ICOM ?
Andy K3UK

6 years ago

Can I use this logging software “together” with my Icom RSBA1 software?

5 years ago

Hallo Rich ,
ich habe den IC7300 und N1MM Logger in Betrieb . Dazu ist ddie USB Schnittstelle mit wsjT-X beschalten . Die QRG wird über die Remote Schnittstelle übertragen . Hier ist auch FSK CW installiert .
Nun möchte ich aber die QRG auch noch in meiner PA Auswerten für die Bandumschaltung .
Dazu brauch ich aber eine CI-V Schnittstelle ..
Hier liegt aber mein Problem … Eine weitere VI-V Schnittstelle ! ???
73 es 55 de dl1pi

Steve Cox
4 years ago

Allow me to help with Udo’s post – It reads:
Hi rich
I have the IC7300 and N1MM logger in operation. For this purpose, the USB interface is wired with wsjT-X. The QRG is transmitted via the remote interface. FSK CW is also installed here.
Now I would also like to use the QRG in my PA for band switching.
For this I need a CI-V interface ..
But here is my problem … Another VI-V interface! ???

2 years ago

Hello Richard,

Trying to connect the Icom-7300 to the laptop via the USB-port, only. Message; “Radio #1, IC-7000 on COM 3 is nor responding.” Com 3 is the only port showing in the N1MM logger+.

Is there a detailed instruction available for using the USB-port?

Tx & 73s

Greg Marino
1 year ago

Hey Mr Rich! Just set up my 7300 for keyboard keying for CW. Thanks to your easy steps…I FINALLY got it to work! Two questions though….

Is it possible to start sending CW, via keyboard, without first using the key strokes “ctrl-k?”

Also, when I’m through sending, have the radio return to receive without hitting “esc?”

I just retired and coming out of the dark ages so, all this is exciting for me…yet strange!

73 sir!
Greg NU4R

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