How To Install HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package for The Icom 7610
Step-by-Step Guide: Installing HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package for the Icom 7610
The Icom 7610 is a high-performance, direct sampling software-defined radio (SDR) that offers a wide range of features for amateur radio enthusiasts. One of the key features of this radio is its ability to interface with a computer, allowing users to leverage software applications to enhance its functionality. Two such applications are HDSDR (High Definition Software Defined Radio) and the Icom I/Q package. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to install HDSDR and the Icom I/Q package for the Icom 7610.
First, DO NOT connect your PC cables to the radio until the PC software drivers and packages are installed.
1.) I suggest updating to the latest firmware if you haven't already. See my post: Icom 7610 Firmware Upgrade v1.42 Digital Pre-Distortion DPD
Note: It is important to note that the Icom 7610 requires a specific driver to communicate with your computer. This driver, known as the Icom USB driver, can be downloaded from the official Icom website (link below). Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver.You are most likely already using this cable for CAT control of the IC-7610.
2.) Install HDSDR (link below) we'll configure it later. This software is a freeware application that turns your computer into a sophisticated receiver and spectrum analyzer. HDSDR can be downloaded from the official HDSDR website. After downloading the software, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Don't launch it.
3.) Next, install the Icom I/Q package (link below). This software package allows the Icom 7610 to output I/Q signals, which are a type of complex signal used in SDRs. The Icom I/Q package can be downloaded from the official Icom website. After downloading the package, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
4.) Now connect the USB3.0 cable from the PC to the IC-7610 rear USB3.0 (blue) port. This is a high speed cable and NOT like the other USB2.0 cable used for CAT. Verify the IQ package installation in Device Manager. (see new video).
With HDSDR is installed, you will need to configure it to work with your Icom 7610. Open HDSDR and go to the menu. Select 'SDR-Device' and then check the settings. I/Q Sampling Rate should be 1.92MHz (BW=1.66MHz). This will set HDSDR to use the Icom 7610 as its input source. I'll cover everything in an upcoming video using Windows 11.
If you have Windows 10 see my previous post: Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package for more on this.
Here's a video using Windows 10 Pro:
Thank You
I'll have a new video using Windows 11 showing exactly how to do this. I'll cover installing the IQ package and HDSDR software.
New Video
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Links:(* indicates needed for this post)
USB 3.0 cable
Preparations for Icom 7610 IQ Package
*USB I/Q Package for HDSDR Download