Tagged: icom 7610


I’m back home in Pierre, South Dakota!

Upon my return to my home QTH in Pierre, SD last weekend, I was greeted with a mountain of chores that requires my urgent attention. Having spent the past several months visiting my brother and sister down in Alabama since...

ham radio deluxe dual panadapte 0

Calling CQ – Single Sideband Modulation

I’ve been Ham operator for many years and have heard a lot of CQ’s in my lifetime, so bear with me and I’ll tell you the most effective ways I’ve heard Hams calling CQ on Single Sideband. For New Hams:...

Time Synchronization for FT8 - ChronyControl 10

Time Synchronization for FT8

When traveling frequently, it can be difficult to maintain an accurate time setting on your computer for FT8, a critical requirement in order to decode optimally. One second off and you’ll significantly reduce your chances of optimal decoding. I use...

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