Ham Radio iMac (iCOM Macintosh) In The Shack

ham radio imacWas the iMac made for ICOM radios? ..hi hi. I picked up an iMac Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz all in one off of e-bay for a good price. It has a bad screen (vertical line), but it will work for what I need it for. Ham Radio iMac (iCOM Macintosh) is what I'm calling it and it's attached to my Icom 7300! This is not going to replace my PC, but it will be fun to use.

Ham Radio iMac Specs

It's an Apple A1311 MB950LL/A 2009 iMac 10.1 Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz CPU, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard Drive and a 21.5" monitor. Nice size for a monitor!

Even though it's a 2009 I anticipate it'll run fast enough with the latest macOS 10.12 Sierra installed.

Macs don't have as many software apps as PC's do for Ham Radio, but there are a few I would like to try. The Icom 7300 should play nicely with it too.

iMac (iCOM Macintosh) Software

Software that's going to work with the Icom 7300: Have you seen RUMLogNG? From the website, "RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer." RUMLog is free and runs on a Macintosh. I saw a video on YouTube with RUMLogNG displaying the Icom 7300's bandscope on the monitor. Similar to Icoms RS-BA1. It also boasts two other neat features that are hard to explain, so I'll just have to show you. I can tell you now, I'm impressed. 🙂

Another logging program for the newly acquired "Ham Radio iMac" is MacLoggerDX. I've read some great reviews on it. It is a paid application however ($95), so I'll have to look at that one a little harder. I'll load the trial version first.

A few more Mac applications for Ham Radio I would like to try are WSJT-X, JT-Bridge and Fldigi for the Mac. I'm curious how difficult these are to install and configure. Is it like Linux?? 😉

The USB driver and RUMLogNG was quick. Yes sir it's this easy!

YouTube player


I can use the iMac for multimedia storage, photo and video editing too. It will earn it's keep.

What Ham Radio software do you run on your Mac?

Icom 7300 Configuration

See the Icom 7300 configuration screenshots here. Menu>Set>Connectors


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Craig A Harlamoff
6 years ago

My IMac with High Sierra kicks the USB driver out after three transmits. May try a powered usb hub between the 7300 and Imac late 2009. Also, I’ve heard the SLAB driver is not signed, so it may have a deeper problem.
Craig N6SBN

Craig Harlamoff
6 years ago

Thanks Rich. I would have never found it. Craig N6SBN

Ross Wardrup
6 years ago

Has anyone had any trouble with “audio pops” when using digital modes on the 7300?

6 years ago

Hi, new operator here. I’ve looked at some of your videos, but wonder is there a way to use an IMAC
(27″ 3.4 GHZ 17. 8GB 1333 MHZ DDR Graphics Radeon HD 6970 M 2048 MB) hooked up to a RSP1 sdr
instead of a PC to run a IC 7300

Patrick Fortino
5 years ago

Hi. Just got my General license about a month ago and got an IC-7300. Have been meaning to get my 7300 connected to my Mac but didn’t know how. With your video, I had it done in about 10 minutes. Because of my experience, it would have taken me hours to figure it out. Thanks

4 years ago

Patrick. I can FT* with my macbook and IC7300 , I can FT8CALL , I want to be able to send APRS data
is there any instruction on how to do that, I have FIDIGI running too..
thanks in advance.

3 years ago

great info as well well made I like to ask you is it will work with ft8?
vy 73 ilan

6 months ago

Thanks Richard! I’ve been having problems with FLDIGI and my macBookPro. Soundcard issues. At first it worked, but it soon stopped working. I can control everything else perfectly on IC-7300 via FLDIGI. Just that frustrating soundcard isn’t working. Have heard there are problems, Even read the help from FLDIGI. At my wits end. I tried the rate change you suggested below, but that didn’t do the trick either. Any ideas you can give that may help?

And if I can’t get this to work, what software would you suggest for the Mac that isn’t too expensive? I have RumLogNG, which I really like, and was looking forward to the way it would work with FLDIGI..


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