Digital Master 780 DM780 CW Decode

This may not be for everyone, but I've had a lot of Hams ask about DM780 CW decode. If you've had Ham Radio Deluxe for a length of time, maybe you have at least tried it out. It's not the best CW decoder out there, but it does work and it can be used. This is what I found.

dm780 cw decode

CwGet on the left and DM780 on the right.

DM780 CW Decode Filter and Squelch

First thing, DM780 needs a strong signal and a low noise level to decode near 100%. Anything less and I had trouble. Sometimes it's gibberish and other times the characters just run together.

Adjusting the filter in DM780 and the squelch is important. I also use a narrow 250 Hz filter on my radio. Sometimes the NR on the Icom 7300 helps and other times I believe it makes DM780 CW decode worse.

In DM780's waterfall the main frequency marker needs to  be on frequency.

dm780 cw decode waterfall

600Hz CW Pitch

CwGet CW Decode

Just to give the video below some context I threw in CwGet. CwGet is a paid program, but it can be tried without registering. If you are looking for software to help translate Morse code, I suggest trying it. CwGet is more forgiving and requires less user intervention. See the video.

DM780 and CwGet as Tools

I look at these programs as learning tools for decoding CW. They assist us. If you are a new Ham I would encourage you to learn Morse code and become proficient at a comfortable speed. 5 wpm is a good start. There are many excellent websites and phone apps that can help Hams learn Morse code and how to make CW contacts.

Listen to W1AW with DM780 and see how much you can translate in your head.

Personally, I use CwGet with N1MM Logger in contests. It's a good tool for me. I'll be using CW Skimmer more with the Icom 7610.

The more we use Morse code, the better we get.

CW is an Exciting Mode

My first CW contact on an old Heathkit with a straight key was very exciting at 5 wpm. I'll bet every Ham remembers their first CW contact on a straight key!


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Thank you

Next up DM780 and sending CW.

If you have any questions, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

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Ham Radio Deluxe

CW Keyer paddle Cable 6 feet 1/4", 1/8", STRAIGHT KEY

W1GEE CW keying cable is no longer available on eBay, but here is another you might like.

USB CW Interface Cable


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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John, G3UCQ
6 years ago

Keep the excellent videos coming. The one on customising DM780 was really useful to me.

Question. Using my IC-7610 with DM780 and RTTY FSK, do you set the IC-7610 mode to USB-D or RTTY?
I have to use USB-D otherwise I get a continuous tone with DM780 in FSK mode. Do you see the same?
So I cannot use the RTTY TPF.
Thanks and 73
John, G3UCQ

Larry Aycock
5 years ago
Reply to  John, G3UCQ


Was there ever response to this problem? I am experiencing the same problem. I followed all the setup steps and when I first transmit RTTY with the radio on RTTY mode, using DM780, I get a continuous tone for a long time, then it will start to send the RTTY signal. After that, if I continue to send, it will send right away, but if I stop for a while, the next time I send something, I get the long tone again.

Hope to see a response soon. I’m desperately trying to figure this out.

Larry, N6LKA

Scott K5CBC
6 years ago

Hi Rich, some good info here as usual. I downloaded CwGet and it installed just fine but in your next video it would be helpful to do a short segment on setting up CwGet! There are a lot of options for soundcard setup and levels etc. that you have already tested.

6 years ago

My problem is not being able to even download hrs/dm780 on 7610… free version not available…when try to download the current version and click on the trial “button” absolutely nothing happens, I used the free version very often until pic crashed and I lost everything. I miss it.

John Farrar
6 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich
Thank you for your info but I found that the wrong com port was being used so OK now thanks.
73 John

Jim Painter
5 years ago

Hi Rich, I’ve been watching your videos concerning HRD with the IC-7300 in CW mode. HRD and DM780 work fine in receive mode over the USB cable. The problem is getting the macros to transmit. I ordered a CI-V cable from Amazon. HRD controls the radio fine (as before). DM780 reads CW fine but still no transmit macros. I am struggling with configuring the software to use both cables. The USB is VCOM 5 and CI-V is COM 3. Do the USB and CI-V need different CI-V addresses?
Thanks and 73
Jim KQ3S

Jaap Dorhout
4 years ago

Hi Rich,

just installed HRD 6 on my computer.
CW works decoding and sending but I have a delay of 2 seconds when sending CW to my 7610
Do you know where I have to look for solving this delay

73 Jaap PA5JD

Jaap Dorhout
4 years ago

Hi Rich I find out that the delay problem came from the DATA 3 MOD setting….
First I put it also on the MIC, USB setting but I find out that this gave the delay of 2 seconds.
After I swichted to LAN there was no delay by sending CW with DM780.
Problem solved for now ? 🙂
Thanks Rich for all your good work for explaining and posting the nice helpfull videos for the 7610

73 Jaap PA5JD

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