Tagged: cw

icom 7610 and elecraft k3s receiver settings 2

Latest Videos on the Icom 7610 and Elecraft K3S

I have taken the opportunity to create comparison videos featuring the Icom 7610 and Elecraft K3S. The purpose behind this was to draw comparisons between their respective receivers, when used for SSB and CW. It’s important to acknowledge that both...


The N3ZN ZN-Lite II Next Generation CW Paddle

As in the title this is a lite CW paddle that is made for portability. Just what a Ham needs in their camper. This paddle features a light and portable design, perfect for traveling hams.   Whether you’re headed out...


Ham Radio Xmas Activity 2022 – Santa and CW QRS Italy

Here is another activity for the Christmas season. It’s a CW activity, more below. I usually listen in to Santa on 80 Meters just to hear the kids on the radio. It’s a ball. I think I’ll try this CW...


N1MM Logger+ RTTY FSK Guide for Amateurs and Pros

I got a Icom 7300 request for a tutorial on RTTY using N1MM Logger+ and Wfview. This will be RTTY FSK and not AFSK. I wanted to update my old posts using my Icom 7300 and N1MM Logger+ and here’s my...

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North American QSO Party – CW Weekend

According to my favorite contest calendar (WA7BNM) we have the North American QSO Party weekend coming up. This time it is CW and that means a good opportunity to practice 30WPM Morse code, at least for me it’s practice. I’ll...

learning cw academy certificate 6

Learning Morse Code (CW) The Best Way

I learned morse code (CW) way back when and now I hear that was not the best way. I started learning characters then progressed from 1 WPM to 5 WPM. Actually I was able to put together a 13 WPM...

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