Author: K0PIR

winkeyer 0

Upgrade Winkeyer 2 to Winkeyer 3

I purchased a new IC chip from K1EL. This is a simple hardware update. I’ll tell you how I did mine below. Coming soon: Winkeyer and Ham Radio Deluxe.

Hospital 69

So What Happened?

After having a great time at field day with our club, SDHAMS, I suddenly came down with a fever. On Tuesday I checked myself into the ER in Pierre. They treated me for pneumonia, but I was getting worse so...

field day 3

Field Day! W0PIR in South Dakota

Field Day, Field Day de W0PIR! Need a SD contact? This may be a good opportunity for you. The Pierre Amateur Radio Club will be demonstrating Amateur Radio at Capitol Heights Baptist Church on Hwy. 14 north of Pierre, starting...

field day logging 9

Networking Your Field Day Log- N1MM or N3FJP?

Over the years our club has used N3FJP‘s Field Day log and it has been a good choice for us. It is simple to use and runs pretty flawlessly. This year we will be using in N1MM Field Day log...

drake tr-7 in shack 32

Drake TR-7 and Icom 7300 Changed Amateur Radio

The Drake TR-7 and Icom 7300 changed Amateur Radio when they came out. I picked up a 40 year old Drake TR-7 from and the Schulman Auction for ham radio equipment. It is in excellent condition and came with...

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