360 Virtual Reality (VR) Ham Radio Videos

What does 360° Virtual Reality (VR) have to do with Ham Radio? Last year I bought a Oculus VR headset and it has been very enjoyable. The pandemic helped move me toward this technology. I watch 360 Virtual Realty videos on travel and I thought this would be fun for Ham Radio events.  Even if you don't have a VR Headset, it still makes videos using it very interesting. I'll explain below.

Virtual Reality (VR) Headsets

I bought a Oculus Quest 2 headset from Best Buy, but there are many on eBay that are used and can be had for under $100 USD (without hand controllers). You won't need a controller to just watch videos, but I recommend having them just in case. New these complete units are $299 USD. Here's a link from eBay.

You'll notice some are called "Meta Quest 2." That is the same as "Oculus Quest 2." They just changed the name midstream because FaceBook bought them.

virtual reality VR 360 headset


If you don't want to take the plunge on the Oculus Quest 2 there is an alternative. These inexpensive ones use a smart phone and they are pretty good. They can be had for under $20 on eBay. You'll need to provide your own smart phone.

virtual reality

I haven't tried the above, but it is from a reputable seller and is returnable. Here is the link.

Virtual Reality For Ham Radio

During the Pandemic I started thinking about Virtual Reality. All of us spent a lot of time at home and travel seemed out of the question for a while.

But even now with the pandemic pretty much behind us, many Hams are confined to home regardless and this can be a useful tool for those Hams.

Didn't make it to Hamvention? Have a look at this 360° Virtual Reality video I put on YouTube.

YouTube player

VR Viewing Options

YouTube player

Even if you do not have a Oculus VR headset or less expensive one, you can use a phone or tablet to see this in 360° VR.

Using the video above, you'll notice as you watch the video and you move your phone or tablet, the perspective changes. It allows a different viewing angle as you move around.

Holding the phone or tablet in front of you, turn your body 180°. As you turn you'll see the change. Amazing! Try it!

Another option: With a computer and mouse, just click on the video, hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor around. This allows the view to be changed also.

Thank You!

You can follow me and my travels on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube.

If you have any questions, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I sincerely appreciate it.

Please stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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