WSJT-X FT8 Using CI-V Cable Combined with Ham Radio Deluxe

The last part of this series with Ham Radio Deluxe is adding WSJT-X FT8 to it. In this setup I'm using the CI-V cable for rig (Icom 7300) control in WSJT-X as opposed to using Ham Radio Deluxe as the rig in WSJT-X. There are advantages doing it this way. See the video below.


WSJT-X is a popular program for JT65, JT9 and the most popular mode is FT8. In the video below you'll see WSJT-X FT8. WSJT-X is also a very easy program to setup and operate, especially if you are using a radio like the Icom 7300 or Icom 7610 that has built-in sound capabilities. I have videos and articles on WSJT-X and there are 3 or 4 good ways to integrate it with Ham Radio Deluxe.

wsjt-x hrd integrating

WSJT-X FT8 Logging to HRD Logbook

In this configuration I'm using QSO forwarding in HRD Logbook. It works very well. See my article Using the Icom 7300 with NEW Ham Radio Deluxe and WSJT-X.

Multiple ways to Integrate WSJT-X with Ham Radio Deluxe

  1. Using two cables (it works well with other logging programs as well). The USB cable for HRD rig control and the CI-V cable for WSJT-X rig control.
  2. One USB cable. Get HRD up and running with the USB cable and using it for rig control in HRD. WSJT-X uses Ham Radio Deluxe as the Rig in it's settings.
  3. One USB cable (preferred by many). Same as #2, but close HRD rig control leaving HRD Logbook open. The USB cable is used for Rig control in WSJT-X.
  4. One USB cable. Use a virtual serial port emulator (splitter) to split the COM port so HRD Rig Control and WSJT-X can control the radio.

We will be completeing #1 in the video below.

I have been using two cables since I got the Icom 7300 and it works very well. See my article and video: N3FJP ACLog, WSJT-X, JTAlert A Powerful Combination

Probably the easiest way to use WSJT-X FT8 is to use it as a stand alone program. It has it's own internal logging. I have an article here: WSJT-X FT8 and the Icom 7300 the Easy Way!

WSJT-X and HRD Logbook Screen Captures

Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 Screen Captures

If you are using either of the latest Icom radios you'll need to use "Unlink from [REMOTE]. See my Icom 7300 screen captures and Icom 7610 screen captures.


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Many Hams use JT-Alert and it can be added to this easily. Just download and install JT-Alert. When I use JT-Alert I set it up to log into HRD Logbook, therefore disabling QSO Forwarding in HRD Logbook.

Thank you

If you have any questions, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I appreciate the comments, questions and suggestions. You can follow me on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube if you have those.

73 - Rich, K0PIR


WSJT-X Download

Ham Radio Deluxe

Icom 7300 Ham Radio Deluxe v6.5 Rig Control Quick Start

Ham Radio Deluxe Digital Master 780 DM780 Custom Look

Digital Master 780 DM780 CW Decode

Digital Master 780 DM780 CW Send CW Interface – How To


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Lon Martin, KØWJ
5 years ago

I only use 1 USB cable between my 7300 and PC. I use WSJT-X, JTAlert, HRD and my setup automatically logs to five different logging programs. This frees up the CI-V port for other uses (ie. Amplifier band control, etc.). I traded your whole article to find what you stated, “…there are advantages to using both USB & CI-V ports,” but failed to see where that was an advantage. Where did I miss this?

Lon Martin, KØWJ
5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich,
As I stated in my comment, I’m using a 7300 and yes, those are the five log systems I use. Of course, in addition to those, three clicks at the end of the day’s session, sends all contacts made from QRZ to LoTW as well.

And no, I don’t use a serial port emulator. I see no advantage that two ports have over a one port solution.


Lon Martin, KØWJ
5 years ago

Hi Rich,
I just watched your video and learned something new. I very seldom change modes on my radio when I’m in an FT8 session, but being able to click on a spot like you do, and having the mode set automatically, looks like a good feature. Since my focus for this year is on CW instead of FT8 like last year, I can now see where using the C-IV port has a definite advantage.

Thanks for your video, and sorry for the confusion.


Wes Wilson
5 years ago

Hello Rich
I really like your site
Are you thinking about doing the same thing for the new Icom IC-9700? It really needs the same treatment as it is a fine radio and a lot features that need expounded upon.
Thanks for taking the time to cover the IC-7300 as well as you do, keep up the great work.
73 Wes Wilson KA9MFY

Scot WA0SD
5 years ago

Hello Rich

Have you figured out how to log Calls into both HRD and N3FJP logging programs at the same time?
I really enjoy features of both programs but its such a pain exporting from one to the other.

Thanks Scot

Dave Borchard
5 years ago

I’ve had WSJT-X working for weeks. Suddenly, WSJT-X quit decoding stations. I couldn’t figure out the problem. All the configuration was correct. I recovered the computer back in time several weeks, and WSJT-X still couldn’t decode any stations. I then searched and found the solution. The time of day has to be close to the correct time of day. My time of day was off about 15 to 20 seconds. There’s software called “nistime-32bit” that will automatically keep your computer time of day correctly set. Fixing my computer’s time of day problem fixed the WSJT-X decoding problem!

Marc Fraser
5 years ago

Hi, Rich. I’ve been using FT8 on my IC-7300 since December 1st. I use WSJT-X, JTAlert, and Ham Radio Deluxe. You video on the 2-cable solution appears to be the answer to the issue I’ve been having with the rig not staying in USB-D mode reliably. I’ve ordered a CI-V cable and when it arrives I’ll review the video and set it all up.
You also solved my issue of JTAlert double-entering QSOs in HRD Logbook. Such a simple solution.
Thanks for creating concise, clear, and informative videos. I’ll definitely keep watching!
Best and 73,
Marc N1QGM

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