Two Instances of WSJT-X Running Simultaneously with Two Radios Two Antennas
Two Instances of WSJT-X Running Simultaneously
Is it useful? I am sure Hams can find a use for it. I do not think transmitting simultaneously (like in the video below) is acceptable in a digital (FT8) contest (check the rules). This technique should be useful for hunting DX and you can certainly make a lot of contacts quickly.
It is fun, but this operation keeps me busy and is a little tiring after a while. Some Hams may like this high activity.
Two Instances of WSJT-X Software Setup
There is some instruction on the WSJT-X website.
How should I configure WSJT-X to run multiple instances?
Start WSJT-X from a command-prompt window, assigning each instance a unique identifier as in the following two-instance example. This procedure will isolate the Settings file and the writable file location for each instance of WSJT-X. --rig-name=TS2000 --rig-name=FT847
My Screen Captures
- Desktop Icons
- WSJT-X Side by Side
- Icom 7610 Shortcut Properties
- Icom 7300 Shortcut Properties
- WSJT-X 7610 Radio Tab
- WSJT-X 7610 Audio Tab
- WSJT-X 7610 Reporting Tab
- WSJT-X 7300 Radio Tab
- WSJT-X 7300 Audio Tab
- WSJT-X 7300 Reporting Tab
WSJT-X JT Alert and Logging
I am running JT Alert, but I did not do anything special with it. In the WSJT-X Reporting tabs you'll see different ports. That's all that is needed.
Start one WSJT-X, then start JT Alert. Start the other WSJT-X, then start another instance of JT Alert. It'll do the rest.
JT Alert is logging to my HRD Logbook. You can set up JT Alert to log to other logbooks.
I am using a USB cable for each radio.
In the second video below I am calling CQ and transmitting with both radios at the same time. This is not necessary because I can receive on one radio while transmitting with the other. I don’t get much interference. Have a look at the videos and thanks for watching!
Thank you
Next up… DM780 running digital modes.
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I am interested in using DM 780 for cw. I have tried it on the free HRD version, but it doesn’t decode fist cw very well. I know the fist is the primary problem, but I was wondering if maybe my rig/ computer settings might be refined to help.
I am running on a IC 7300 using the free HRD software. If there would be an advantage to purchasing the current version of HRD, I would be open to that.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Larry, nice to hear from you and thank you for commenting here.
My DM780 does not decode CW perfectly, but it does a pretty good job. I can fill in the missing spots myself. Mainly what I use any of my decoders for is during a CW contest or a DX station sending 30wpm+. It will decode the call sign and exchange pretty well. It gives me some reassurance that I’m getting it correct for the log.
A good software is CWGET and another one is Fldigi. Have you tried those? Maybe trying those will give you a better idea of how good your DM780 decodes. I don’t know if the most recent DM780 decodes any better than the old free version.
Are you using a Narrow filter for CW on the 7300?
Are you running bandpass filters to avoid intermod in the two radios while operating simultaneously?
Hi Andy, nice to hear from you and thank you for the question here. Actually no I wasn’t using a bandpass filter. My filter on the radio was set to the widest 3.6k on both radios. AGC fast (not off), noise blanker and noise reduction off and running 20 or 30W. I could see a little distortion in the waterfall down the band, but not enough to interfere making contacts. I wasn’t using a lot of power and as I mentioned the 20m antenna is a two element tri-bander and the 40m antenna is an inverted V. They are both on the same tower. Just seems to work good and surprised me a little too. Sure kept me hopping! Thanks again Andy hope to hear you on their best 73!
P.S. Maybe it’s just the Icom radios 🙂
I just got my 7610
There seems to be a lot of floor noise in the 7610?
With no NR, ATT, or NB, SSB OR SSB DATA 1 and the AF gain at 12 and vol at 12’o clock. It is a loud QRM hiss.
My old FT 990 was quite the opposite, almost silent.
Is this due to the SDR technology, or maybe an issue with the 7610.
The noise reduction and filtration works great, but I would think a loud floor without an antenna attached would not be what you need?
Thanks as always
Hi George,
Nice to hear from you and thank you for commenting here.
That’s very interesting and a very good question. I have not heard anything about that. I have tried it on both of my Icom radios and it is about the same hiss. Not very loud to me. You could go over to the Icom 7610 forum and see if the Hams there have an idea for you.
Rich, K0PIR
I did this, but ran into a problem. I use HRD to control both radios and interface to WSJT-X. However, after I opened the second WSJT-X, it overwrote the settings on the first instance, from COM9 to COM4. So, I had both instances listening to the same radio on the same com port. How can I get around this
Hi Tim,
It’s nice to hear from you, I hope all is well where you are.
Did you set up the Shortcuts properly?
Other than that, I did not attempt using HRD for the radio in WSJTX. I used the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 for the radios in WSJTX.
It’s trial and error, hi hi.
Take care, best 73 and good DX!
I instal my WSJTX in folder wwith version, say C:WSTJ/wsjtx 2.6/1. When I enter this and the rig names as per you info I get a target address error. I notice no ” in target and open addresses where on pasting originals contain “” around the text? I can’t see these in your screen shots or videos? Also how does the .ini files get sorted out for two radios? If I use “” the addresses are accepted but still need to chnage the radio setting each time. Hence my question about .ii files.
With N1MM+ you need to vreated rig named ,iin files at the start.
I would appriciate some help with this.
Regards Bill
Hi Bill,
It’s nice to hear from you and thanks for commenting. Great questions. When pasting, there should be no space at the beginning or end. It get a clearer image, did you increase the video quality in YouTube player? On the webpage you can click on those images and it’ll bring up a larger photo.
I haven’t done that in a while, and I don’t remember about the .ini files.
GL and best wishes for a happy and safe new year!
I had to enter as follows to get rid of the error: “C:\Program Files (x86)\N1MM Logger+\” “ini=N1MM Logger – FTDX10.ini”
I didn’t alter the youtube view. But I could not see any ” characters used. I noticed in my pasted copies on desktop had ” characters arouns the string. I found I had to add ” around the rig name string to get rid of the error messge.
I realised the posting was sometime ago and was led to it from a .IO conversation I found on search the internet. I thought it might be helpful to others in the present time that they may need to include these. After that both rigs now work, note using one at a time. Glad they both point to the same database/log selected.
Also thanks for replying.
Regards Bill.
Thanks for the info Bill and posting it here. Best 73!
I was wondering if you had and recommendation/procedures to follow when updating to the next version of WSJT-X?
Regards Bill.
Hi Bill,
I’ve been traveling and missed your comment, sorry.
I uninstall first and then install the latest, but really it doesn’t matter. The easiest way is to just install over the version you have.
Thanks for commenting here and best 73!
I guess my programming is horrible but I can not get 2 instances of WSJT 2.6.1 to run with a FT991a and a FTDX1200 running windows 11. Want to have FT991a doing uhf/vhf and FTDX1200 doing hf. Any help is appreciated
Chuck KK4TE
Hi Chuck KK4TE,
Don’t be too hard on yourself, these setups can be quite complex. It’s very possible that there’s just a small setting you’re missing. Here are a few things you might want to check:
1. Ensure that each instance of WSJT-X has its own unique settings. This includes the radio, audio, and network configurations. For instance, each radio should have a different USB port and audio source/sink.
2. Make sure that the ‘Rig’ in the radio settings for each instance of WSJT-X corresponds to the right radio model.
3. Check to see if you have the latest drivers for your radios’ USB interfaces installed on your Windows 11 machine. Outdated drivers can cause communication issues.
Remember, it’s all about having the correct configurations for each radio.