Transmitting CW in Ham Radio Software

Why would you want to use software to send CW anyway? Maybe you're getting up there in years and just can't send like you use too or maybe you like contesting, so I thought we'd go over some common software. I will be using one cable with my Icom 7300 for transmitting CW and we'll be using Virtual Serial Port Emulator for splitting the one COM Port.

I have other posts on CW that may interest you. For a refresher you can see Icom 7610 Rig Control N3FJP Amateur Contact Log and FldigiIcom 7300 HRD 6.3 DM780 RTTY FSK CW and Log4OM Fldigi Setting Up Easy RTTY PSK31 CW.

Transmitting CW - Icom 7300 Settings

First let's look at the Icom 7300 menu and get the radio setup to transmit CW using common Ham Radio software. Here are my screen captures and these settings work with everything I use.

Here are the important screens:

USB SEND. In my radio I have USB SEND set to RTS. If you’re software has RTS checked off somewhere this will send the radio into TX and you’ll usually have to power off the radio and find out what setting in your software has RTS enabled. If you can’t find it, for simplicity, set USB SEND to OFF.

Prequiste for One Cable - VSPE

We are going to need a COM Port for CW keying with some programs. Let's use VSPE to split the one COM Port we have. You can download it here. It's very easy to setup and I even have a video on that part (see below).

YouTube player

You may not need this in every instance, but it will come in handy.

Transmitting and CW Software Settings

N3FJP CW Settings

Let say your favorite logging program is N3FJP. Setup rig control in N3FJP and once that is working setup CW transmit. N3FJP Amateur Contact Log > Settings > Transmit > CW Setup

N1MM Logger+ CW Settings

If your favorite software is N1MM Logger+ you can send cw with these settings in N1MM Logger.

cw settings in n1mm logger

HRD DM780 CW Settings

Thank you

My plans have changed since my last post. I need to travel to Memphis to help my brother who has become seriously ill. I should be in Memphis and Cullman, AL for about a month, maybe two, but I will still be working and on the air. You can follow me and my travels on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube.

If you have any questions, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I sincerely appreciate it.

Please stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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3 years ago

I like using software for CW mainly for use as a memory keyer. I have a Xiegu G90 and have been trying to get it working with a memory keyer but no joy yet.

2 years ago


I downloaded and installed VSPE for N3FJP. I was using COM 10 for rig control. I set VSPE to split COM 10 to COM11 and selected COM 11 for both rig control and CW transmit. I set CW to DTR The rig control works but I am not able to transmit CW with my IC7300 from N3FJP The characters come up but the rig does not respond. Do you have any suggestions or a video? Thanks Mike W3DDS

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