Tagged: icom 7610


I’m back home in Pierre, South Dakota!

Upon my return to my home QTH in Pierre, SD last weekend, I was greeted with a mountain of chores that requires my urgent attention. Having spent the past several months visiting my brother and sister down in Alabama since...

ham radio deluxe dual panadapte 0

Calling CQ – Single Sideband Modulation

I’ve been Ham operator for many years and have heard a lot of CQ’s in my lifetime, so bear with me and I’ll tell you the most effective ways I’ve heard Hams calling CQ on Single Sideband. For New Hams:...

Time Synchronization for FT8 - ChronyControl 10

Time Synchronization for FT8

When traveling frequently, it can be difficult to maintain an accurate time setting on your computer for FT8, a critical requirement in order to decode optimally. One second off and you’ll significantly reduce your chances of optimal decoding. I use...

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Ham Radio Deluxe HRD QSO Forwarding Alternative

Here’s a slick way to bypass QSO forwarding and let GridTracker do the work. Also, GridTracker can do the heavy lifting when it comes to uploading to online logs like eQSL, QRZ.com and HRD.net. Here’s how… Icom 7300 and Icom...

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