Tagged: antenna


The Best Thing About My ACOM 1000 Amplifier

I recently picked up a used ACOM 1000 amplifier in great condition. Since I don’t have 240V in the ham shack I rewired it for 120V. I’ll show you how I did that later. The ACOM 1000 has many great...


Icom 7610 RX Antenna Usage, Dualwatch and Tracking

This article and video shows how to use the Icom 7610 RX antenna selection, Dualwatch and Tracking. You’ll need to connect a receiving (RX) antenna to the Icom 7610. In the video, three ways are shown to use a receiving...

amateur satellite tripod mount for the elk antenna 8

Modified Camera Tripod Mount for the Elk Antenna

Sometimes my arm gets tired holding up the Elk antenna, so I started looking for a way to mount it. With the help of another Amateur Radio operator (K3RRR) on YouTube I put together a modified tripod mount for the...

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