POTA Results View of The Badlands
POTA Results For Badlands National Park
I had a terrific time at the Sage Creek campground in the Badlands. It is a primitive camping area and serves as a stop over for many traveling through the area. It's free, but there are not any amenities to speak of. Just a pit toilet and garbage cans, which were emptied almost daily while I was there.
This is park K-0005 and for the three days I was there I made a total of 279 contacts. On 9-14-2021 I got in the truck and used the Kenwood TS-480HX to make some phone contacts. I didn't expect much, but boy did I get a good pileup. 96 QSO's in about an hour and a half. That shows what 200 watts and a Scorpion antenna will do!
Sage Creek is about 12 miles down a gravel road, but don't let that scare you off. Let me show you to this beautiful area in the Badlands of South Dakota. See the HD video below. Visit sometime and I’ll show you the area. Thanks for watching, please remember to like subscribe and share, 73 and good DX!
Badlands HD Video and Photos
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Next up a short description on how I configured the software for POTA .
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Rich, K0PIR