Logging While Portable and Operating POTA

Whether you're just operating portable or Parks On The Air (POTA) you'll want to read this. So how much trouble is it to setup a new location in TQSL or change locations in the logging software? I have a routine that I'll show you below. Even if you're not activating a park you'll want to have your location information setup properly when operating.

Operating position from my camper. TV used as second monitor.

TQSL for LOTW Confirmations

For Parks on the air (POTA) you'll need TQSL. TQSL uploads your QSOs to Log Of The World (LOTW). So, the first thing I do when I get to a new location is setup my new Station Location in TQSL, See the first part of the video below.

Park Number and Grid Square

Eventually you'll need your park number for logging and your grid square.

You can get the park number from the POTA website.

You'll need your grid square for logging. If you have a cell phone (smart phone) you could use an app called Ham Square. I've been using it a long time. It easy to use. Just install it on your phone and open it when you need to see what Grid Square you're in. See the video below. Or you could use this website if you have internet where you are operating portable from.

If you're not sure, plan ahead and get the grid square before heading out. Again this website can help you.

Portable Logging Program

The second thing I do is setup my logging program. For a long time I have been using Log4OM because it is an easy program to use and is FREE, but in the past I have used many other programs including Ham Radio Deluxe, N3FJP Amateur Contact Log and DXLabs Suite, just to name a few.

Whatever logging program you use you'll need to change the operating location when you move. Let me show you how it's done on Log4OM. It's pretty simple, but it's not the only way. Maybe you have a suggestion or two on how to make it easier. See the video below and comment below.

For logging POTA we need to insert the Park Number into the QSO data somewhere. The POTA website suggest using the Sig-Info field, so that is what I used. If it is Park to Park I need to remember to insert the other Park Number into the Sig-Info field in their location information. It's easier for me to show you, so check out the video below.

Other Software

I use WSJT-X and Fldigi. You don't need to transmit the Park number in WSJT-X, so I just update the grid square in it. In Fldigi I update the grid square too and I also put the park number in one of my macros.

The screen captures below should help some and I'll go over them in the video.

Video! Did I mention my video?

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Thank You

Thank you for subscribing to this website. You can also follow me and my travels on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube. See my spots on POTA.

Rich, K0PIR


Parks on the air (POTA)

Ham Square

Grid Square Locator Webpage

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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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2 years ago

What is the jumper on your screwdriver antenna do? 73 keep it going love the pi🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

2 years ago

Great stuff. I use HamRS on android with its POTA template but other OS is supported.

John Chan
2 years ago

Wow, yur POTA setup is so cool. Rain or shine, U’re ready 2 have fun & yur so mobile w/ yur camper. Very nice. Thx 4 sharing on the internet.

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