Easy Fldigi – Icom 7610 Fldigi RigCAT .XML File

So far I have not seen an Icom 7610 Fldigi RigCAT file. I modified an IC-7600 file and it works. So, if you'd like to try Fldgi the easy way with the Icom 7610, have a look. Otherwise, I have another article using ACLog and Fldigi which also works very well. Fldigi can be used with some simple macros and it's easy to send personalized messages. The Icom 7300 is very similar.

Icom 7610 RigCAT file

Modified IC-7600 .XML File

It was very simple to make an Icom 7610 RigCAT file. All that was needed was to change the CI-V address in the IC-7600 file. That way you don't have to change the CI-V address in the radio and mess up other programs you have working with the IC-7610.

You can download the modified file HERE.

When they come out with an IC-7610 .xml, I'll switch over to it.

In case you're wondering, they already have an .xml file for the Icom 7300.


Easy Fldigi

The easiest way I have found to use Fldigi is with RigCAT and using the log in Fldigi. I can import the Fldigi log into my favorite logbook later.

Fldigi Macros

I like using Fldigi for PSK31 and the default macros are a good start. I edited them just a bit to suit my needs and station. A lot of Hams like to have a "RST/QTH" macro and "Brag" macro to send just so they don't have to type those things over and over. That's my preference too.

I normally use a QSO start and QSO end (KN) macro during the contact. My personalized message is typed in between those two macros. Have a look at the video below and I make an unexpected DX contact on PSK31 using 30 watts. Who said propagation is poor, HI!

In this video I'll go over two of the important Fldigi configure tabs, my output power, macros and some receiver settings. Don't forget to see my Icom 7610 Screen Captures page for more internal settings on the Icom 7610.

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Up Next/Comments

Coming up next I’ll have a video and closer look at the Elk antenna along with a look at satellite tracking software.

Also, an end fed random wire QRP antenna.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I appreciate the comments, questions and suggestions. Please follow me on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube if you have those.

Stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


Modified Icom 7600 .xml for the Icom 7610

Icom 7610 Rig Control N3FJP Amateur Contact Log and Fldigi

Icom 7610 Screen Captures

Sourceforge Fldigi XML Files for Icom


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Peter Morgan
6 years ago

Greetings Rich….
I very carefully put in all the settings on the radio…no problem there…BUT when I followed the instructions for installing the drivers, then connected the usb lead….went to Device Manager and opened ports, I was expecting 2 lines of “Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge” each with its specific COM number. Instead I have 2 lines of “CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller” (current date)with no port numbers. As a result HRD etc. is not usable. In a word, HELP!

John Watkins-Pitchford
5 years ago

Great guide! My 7610 now works with RigCAT and a single USB cable. Needed to check the Fldigi Audio tab box for “Modem signal of left and right channels”.
I use CAT for PTT so no RTS/DTR config needed. Linux seemed to set up the USB-serial connection with its already included driver, so that was easy too.
Now to get fine-tuning the RigCAT file, and the Fldigi macros. Thank you again!
John, KX4QC.

John, KX4QC
5 years ago

This is THE source for well-informed clear guidance for 7610. Thank you!
Now all working, single USB cable, no external interface. 🙂

The frequency display is 1500Hz wrong? No, but we are generating AFSK, so Tx frequency is Dial + 1500Hz audio. You can do mental 1500 + or – and correct all the log entries, but easier is: Install olctl by GM8JCF ( http://www.g8jcf.uk/olctl/ ). Now fldigi and fllog freq read true and QSLs get confirmed! 🙂 Intended for Olivia, but seems to work on other digital modes too.

IMHO, this necessary arithmetic should be included in 7610 and/or fldigi?. Perhaps I missed it.

John, KX4QC
5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thank you. It seems that these drop-downs are for 7610’s MODE and bandwidth?
If 7610’s MODE is set to SSB, and fldigi is being used just for logging and lookups, with fldigi Op Mode set to SSB, the 7610 freq, fldigi large display, and log panel all agree. Good.
Now, I want to send fldigi-generated PSK31. I set 7610 to USB-D1, fldigi Op Mode to BPSK31, and transmit PSK at 1500Hz +dial frequency, as expected with AFSK. Fldigi’s log freq now correctly shows dial freq+AF tone, while fldigi’s large display and 7610’s dial agree. I can’t get it to misbehave now.

Magic from Rich: it all works! 🙂

4 years ago


Thanks so much for the 7600 .xml file. That really helped me out!



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