Icom 7300 Receiver Settings For Digital Operation

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I had a conversation with a friend recently and while talking about the Icom 7300, HRD and DM780 I realized that I haven't made a good article covering basic receiver settings for digital modes. The settings under "Connectors" have been an issue with some Hams but,  also the operational receiver settings, like filter bandwidth, USB data (USB-D), NB, and NR for digital modes. I'll cover the latter in this post.

receiver settingsIcom 7300 Digital Operation

The Icom 7300 is an easy radio to use for digital modes because all you need is a USB cable. Set aside your Signalink or whatever you were using with you old radio. The Icom 7300 uses an internal sound card device. Download and install the Windows Icom 7300 USB driver from Icom before attaching the rig to your computer. (I have noticed after my Windows computer updates, the USB driver gets updated too.)


I try to keep my settings the same for all of my software. Whether using RTTY (AFSK), BPSK, JT65, JT9 or FT8, this is a fun and easy digital mode transceiver to operate. The settings in this article will work with all of the major digital modes that I have tried. I won't delve into CW or RTTY (FSK) in this post.

I can use one or two cables with how I have things setup (more on "Connectors" in the next article) and I can use Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems.

Digital Software, Logging and Rig Control

I have used Digital Master 780, Fldigi, WSJT-X, JT65-HF (HB9HQX Edition), and MMTTY to name a few with these receiver settings.

For rig control and logging I have used Ham Radio Deluxe, ACLog, N1MM Logger+, Log4OM and some others in Windows. On the Mac, RUMLogNG and MacLoggerDX. For Linux, CQRLOG. All of the programs work with basically the same settings.

Save Settings Data to a SD Card

Let's do this. Before making any changes to your rig, go in and save the settings you have now.

YouTube player

Icom 7300 Receiver Settings For Digital Operation

Here is the next part:

YouTube player

  1. Press FUNCTION and turn off NR, NB and NOTCH.
  2. You can elect to turn off AGC as in the video above for digital modes like FT8, JS8Call, JT65 and JT9. For PSK, Contestia, THOR, RTTY (AFSK), etc., I choose to leave my AGC on FAST. Experiment and see what the differences are!

Icom 7300 MENU>SET>Connectors

We'll go deeper into the Icom 7300 menu later. For now you could take a look at N3FJP ACLog, WSJT-X, JTAlert A Powerful Combination.

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you find this useful. I hope to hear you on the air, best 73! - Rich, K0PIR


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Wes Jones
7 years ago

Rich- it says on the Icom USB Driver download that the driver is only for Windows. Is that an issue if you’re running Linux and CQRLOG?? Do you somehow load the driver with Wine? Or do you not need that driver in Linux?

Thanks again for all your 7300 help!

7 years ago

Thank you, K0PIR.

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

RIch, how do I turn down the ALC on my Icom 7300 when transmitting on digital modes? The ALC is almost full scale. I also sent you an email on this issue.

7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Thanks, Rich, and God bless you.

7 years ago

Hi Rich, Just a word of thanks for your so good job with your clear and helpfull postings.
I use to have a IC-7700 but i’m just surprised with my 7300 as it looks to me that for this money you get nothing and this rig is just amazing.
Keep on Rich… we thank again and again.
Warmest greetings from Portugal

Mel Frost - Montana
7 years ago

Greetings, Rich:
I am using your “settings” to try and get my 7300 running for W7GJ’s visit to the VK9 islands (09/12)
Noticed your ref to Irma. I have found Levi Cowan’s audio/vid updates to be most informative. They are at: http://www.tropicaltidbit.com …. many thanks…

7 years ago

Please post a setup file for the SD card along with the U-Tube video and detailed instructions with pictures. A setup file on the SD card is fast, repeatable and more reliable than manual entry.

7 years ago

I’ve lost the KEY, Rich. Using Digipan 2.0 and it worked for a couple of QSOs and even put it on the SD card but now the only way I can transmit is with the TX Button. I even connected both cables with no help. I’ve tried all variation in the setup, upgraded my firmware, and re-loaded the USB drivers with no help.

7 years ago

No PTT and I’ve tried the CIV cable added also. I’ll try Fldigi, MixW or some others and see if they will key. I don’t want the features of HRD or the expense but it does address the IC-7300 in the setup. Maybe I did push the “TRANSMIT” button for those 2 QSOs but I thought it was all on the USB Cable.

7 years ago


Very helpful for me setting up digital mode
Just had my IC7300 for 2 days

73 from Belgium de ON4BAG

Jasper Jansen
7 years ago

Wsjt-x is saying rig failure

Hamlib error : protocol error While getting current frequency

What am i doing wrong?

Jasper Jansen
7 years ago

Hello Rich,

I have Windows 7, I did not check the freq yet, but it showed the right com port. I will try to reinstall it and will Come back on it later on.

Thanks for your answer.



7 years ago

Hello Rich,

I found on google these settings:

Data-Mod USB
USB Serial Function CI-V
CI-V USB Port – Unlink from Remote
CI-V USB Baud Rate 115200
CI-V Echo Back ON
CI-V Baud Rate AUTO
CI-V Address 94h
CI-V Transceive OFF

it did the trick for me to get it working.

Thanks for your interest

73 de Jasper PB2JJ

Gary wb6sks
7 years ago

Hi Rich,
Running FT8 on 7300 using HRD for rig control….one issue USBD flips to USB during tx and no out put.

This happens about 75% of the time. Any suggestions?

Thanks for all your information has made getting on digital a lot easier …

73 de Gary

Jasper Jansen
7 years ago

Hello Rich,

I will look into it. Thanks.

Merry christmas

Jasper Jansen
7 years ago


One more question. What USB cable do you use or recomend? I got some rf problems and putted some Ferrite blocks around the cable but I stil have problems txing and usb port shutting down.


7 years ago

This was very helpful. I had the 7300 set up for FT-8 and everything was working but no RF output. I found your video and realized I needed to set the mode to USB-D. Suddenly- RF! That was the longest 2 hours of setting and re-setting. I almost gave up. Thanks for the help!

5 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich, I’m using FT8 with HRD and my 7300. For some reason, I have USD-D selected, but every time I try to TX, the mode switches to Plain USD. It will not stay in USD-D no matter what I try to do! Any thoughts? Thanks!

Greg Brown, KA6MAX
7 years ago

Rich, I have followed your blogs since you first received your IC-7300. I have been putting off buying one until I can find out whether the NB/NR circuitry would be capable of reducing or eliminating the S9 noise level on 40 meters that I am getting from my own – and my neighbors – PV solar electric systems. I saw a video by George EI7KO where he demonstrates the NB and effectively cuts 7 S-units of noise, making a weak signal readable.

My question is: Do you have nearby PV solar electric systems that cause noise, and have you experienced effective NB/NR when dealing with it? If you have not had personal experience with this issue, can you point me to someone that has?


Greg Brown, KA6MAX
7 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Rich, thank you for checking with your friend in Florida, and for the info on the Yahoo group for the IC-7300. I’ll do some more investigating and some experimentation with my system… then I’ll ask the guys at my local HRO if they’ll let me borrow a 7300 on a sunny afternoon!

I appreciate you sharing your honest experiences with the rest of us.



6 years ago

Hi rich. Hope you are well. 73 de EI7KO

Tom Johnson
6 years ago

I’m a newbie to Ham radio and trying to setup my IC-7300 for data using Fldigi. I’ve watched all of your videos as they relate to digital operation but still have problems. In each one when you come to Menu, Set, Connectors, Ci-V, you say that you just leave it the way it is. But how is that? Are you saying you leave the Ci-V connector items setup as defaults or perhaps the way you set it up the last time you did it? Could you please list how you have the various items setup in Menu, Set, Connectors, Ci-V for two cable operation?



Tom Johnson
6 years ago


Thanks for the advice and I’m learning now how to navigate your site. The screen shots were really a great help.



Tom Johnson
6 years ago


I’ve looked at the Data Mode setups again and I have a question regarding the “DATA OFF MOD” settings. You recommend both MIC, USB and MIC, ACC in different places. I’ve read what the manual says about the settings but I’m not getting. I’m sure the explanation is simple, but I’ve missed it. I’m using a two cable setup.


6 years ago

Any tips on the settings for using an old modem like KAM Plus for Pactor?

6 years ago

Hi Rich
I have been using the WSJT -X as per your fine guidance , all work well on all the bands

I use it on FT8 Mode on 160m
how do i setup the software and the 7300 to work split on Rx 1908 (jap freq) and TX 1840
The software throws up an error messagr once you move away from 1840 ~+/- a few Khz .
kinldy advice

5 years ago

I am trying to set up a 7300 to run FT8 at our seniors club . In set-up of WSJT-S under audio input and output ,what choices should i see? Not sure if its talking to the 7300.
It was working at one time but someone got in and screwed it all up.
I am searching for help on line .Thanks

Steve NZ4Z
5 years ago

Hi, on FT-8, the vertical meter on the bottom left is in the green, but is floating right at the 70db mark, not the 30db that it supposedly likes best. Is this hurting my performance? If so, how do I adjust this with my IC-7300?

Francis Minor
5 years ago

I am having trouble with FT-8 linking to WSJT-Alert and HRD together. HELP PLEASE
Thanks for your videos. Great help to a newbie
Whoops- Icom 7300 and Windows 10

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