GridTracker, WSJT-X and Log4OM
Wow look at this world map with GridTracker! This little program integrates nicely with WSJT-X and Log4OM. It’s similar to JT Alert, but it has an awesome map.
This is my go-to companion app for WSJT-X.
GridTracker started out as a companion to WSJT-X, but has evolved and is much more than that now.
It works well with WSJT-X, JTDX and many logging programs
I am using GridTracker (GT), WSJT-X and Log4OM at home, so lets see what that looks like.
Configuring Log4OM for GridTracker
The last post I did on Log4OM enabled WSJT-X to log into Log4OM. See: WSJT-X and LOG4OM Tutorial Free and Easy!
Now we want to let Log4OM know we will be using GT for that and we need to add two lines in the UDP Inbound connections. Disable the one, WSJT_DIRECT . See picture below.
After that's done we can start WSJT-X.
Now start WSJT-X. GT support does mention a change in WSJT-X and it’s on the Reporting tab. ”Clear DX call...” to be checked off. See below.
Installing GridTracker (GT)
See my previous post WSJT-X and LOG4OM Tutorial Free and Easy!
Go to the GridTracker webpage and download the latest version. Installing it is very simple. There hasn’t been much documentation in the past, but recently we got a pretty good set of Quick Start instructions.
Configuring GridTracker (GT)
Start up WSJT-X first, then on first startup of GridTracker (GT) see if it reads your WSJT-X configuration file. If it does, than your callsign, grid and some other things will automatically populate for you.
Things to check and/or configure if needed:
- UDP ports on the General tab.
- Logger on the Logging tab.
Using GT
We want to use GT to find needed stations for awards (Grid squares and DX) and then log the contact into Log4OM.
Log4OM Config 1:38, WSJT-X Config 3:36, Install GridTracker 5:36, Configuring for grids and DX 18:20.
Always start the programs in the proper order. Log4OM, WSJT-X and finally GT.
I want to try this on Ham Radio Deluxe and dive into some other neat features. It should work just the same as with Log4OM.
What are your thoughts on GT? Let me know and please post your comments below.
Thank you for subscribing to this website. You can also follow my travels on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Best 73, stay safe and good DX! – Rich, K0PIR
Thanks for this article. I installed GT on my computer months ago but never used it and this really helps.
Thank you for commenting. It is a very interesting program and I hope to learn more about it.
Hi Rich,
Your website and YouTube channel are absolutely fantastic, and you have such patience with us rookies! Can’t thank you enough!
I’m using Log4OM2, WSJT-X, and GridTracker, and it’s a great combo, except I can’t get the Log4OM cluster and band map to work. Cluster always shows disconnected, and nothing on the band map. I’d appreciate any thoughts.
Thanks again, buddy!
Frank, K2PF
Thank you Frank and always a pleasure to hear from you.
Try using (add) and port 7300 to yours and see if it connects and stays connected.
Rich, K0PIR
Hi Rich,
Thank you so much for all your help! Forgive me, but where do I add pi.k0pir and port 7300? Do I add this to the Connections, UDP Inbound? And what should I name it if so?
Again, so sorry, but want to make sure I get it right. By the way, I was able to get the Super Cluster to open by simply clicking on the icon on the upper right of Log4OM.
Thanks again!
Frank, K2PF
No problem, it is under the Connect menu you see Telnet Cluster. You can add it there. I am sorry I can’t walk you through it at the moment. – Rich, K0PIR
Hi Rich,
That worked! Thanks buddy. It appears that is the primary, as there is a [PRI] and [U] in front of on the bottom active servers list, and a [U] in front of it in the known servers list. Is that okay? Thanks again! You are such a great help.
Frank, K2PF
That will be fine Frank. I am using mine also as primary. 73!
Frank, my DX Spider lost it’s connection to the web. I’ll have to wait until I get home to fix it.
Try AE5E in the list of servers. Sorry for that. 73!
Hi Rich,
Frank, K2PF, again. I noticed that when in WSJT-X, mode FT8, if I keep my transmit and receive frequencies on the WSJT-X wide graph very close to each other, the FTDX10 stays locked on frequency, but if I lower my transmit even a few hz below receive frequency on the WSJT-X wide graph then the FTDX10 will transmit 500khz less than its locked frequency. If I raise transmit frequency above lets say around 50hz to 200hz or more than the receive frequency on WSJT-X wide graph, then the FTDX10 will go 500khz above its locked frequency. For instance, if I’m in 20M band, mode FT8 in WSJT-X, the Yaesu FTDX10 goes up or down 500khz from its locked frequency. 14.074.000 goes to either 14.074.500 or 14.073.500, even sometimes to 14.074.055. Its almost like an offset. But, if I keep my transmit and receive frequencies in WSJT-X the same, then the frequency stays locked on the FTDX10. Am I missing something? Thanks so much again, for your great website and YouTube channel!
Frank, K2PF
I think what you are seeing is normal if you have “split” checked in WSJT-X settings. It will keep your transmission in the sweet sport.
Rich, K0PIR
Hi Rich,
Thanks so much again for all your help! Yes, in WSJT-X, under Split Operation, I have Fake It checked. Should I try Rig, or leave Fake It checked? Also, in OmniRig, I downloaded and installed the ini for the FTDX10; should I leave Poll int., ms at 100, and Timeout, ms at 100? (I have to set RTS and DTR both at High.)
Thanks buddy!
Frank, K2PF
I leave “Fake It” enabled and in OmniRig use the defaults if it is working. – Rich, K0PIR
Nice to meet you!
Gridtracker & JTAlert also using same IP address & port.
I want using those two software at the same time, but the Grid tracker waiting for message
My executing sequence is,
How can I repair this problem?
Please give some advice.
Good day and thank you for commenting here. Sorry for the delay.
Try starting Log4OM, WSJT-X and then the others.
Best luck and good DX!
Rich, K0PIR
I set up as described with my Yaesu FT-991 and the software plays together nicely. I have one big issue though – when I test transmit, my radio switches to RTTY-USB from the previous setting of DATA-USB. Also, when I re-select FT8 on the WSJT-X mode setting, the radio switches to RTTY-USB.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hi Lance,
Good to hear from you and thanks for commenting here.
Yes, that happens if you use Ham Radio Deluxe as the rig in WSJT-X, so change the setting “Mode” in WSJT-X to “None” instead of “Data/Pkt”.
That should fix it and just set the mode via the front of the radio.
Using two cables eliminates that problem too.
I hope this helps and let me know how it goes.
Rich, K0PIR
GridTracker shows a few other stations connecting with each other. But there’s a lot more activity going on in WSJT-X than what I’m seeing in GT. How does GT decide who to show? Is there a setting to see more activity? Thx
Hi Dave,
Sorry for the delay and it’s good to hear from you.
I believe I am noticing the same thing. Lots of stations scrolling by in the WSJTX receive window and not much activity on the map as far as lines being drawn for QSX. Look at the number of “RX calls”. Does that seem closer?
I’ll see what I can find out. The GT support group is here.
Rich, K0PIR
Thank you for publishing this. Super helpful.
It’s great to hear from you and thanks for commenting. Commenting really helps this website. Best holiday wishes and 73!
Hi Old Chaps,
Just sayin’. Yes.It’s possible to link Log4OM, WSJT-X, Gridtracker AND HRD Logbook.
CU Soon if any interest.
73 P.
Thanks Patrick. I just loaded it all again on a new PC.
Rich, K0PIR
Hi Rich,
Enjoy your new PC.
In my case, have a look below in my chronology:
Of course, everything work thanks to the correct Local IP + Ports. You know that ;o)
To only play with Log4OM, a good way is to use OMNI-RIG2 to control the TX and manipulate a cluster to rapidily set the frequency of TX by double-click of a desired station from the list of the cluster window,
Good luck, have fun with our hobby!
73 Patrick HB9HFJ
Thanks Patrick!
Hi Rich, it’s been a while, but everything has been working great (THANKS TO YOU!) with Log4OM2.until I recently upgraded to Log4OM Since I went from version 2.31 to the newest,, I can’t get my Log4OM, WSJT-X, and GridTracker to work, that is I don’t get the WSJT-X waterfall and don’t get any GridTracker Call Roster entries, so seems like there’s no communication between them. All my settings on my Yaesu FTDX-10 are as before. Checked and still using OmniRig 1.20. I’ve been beating my brains and can’t seem to find a solution. I’d sure appreciate your help. Thanks so much for all your previous help, too. Blessings. Frank, K2PF.
Hi Frank,
Glad to hear everything was working great with Log4OM2 until the recent upgrade.
Firstly, you may want to double-check that all your settings in WSJT-X and try to run it alone just to get it working. Then open GT and see if it will pull data from WSJT-X.
Hope this helps and you get the issue resolved soon. Keep me updated!
Best 73,
Rich, K0PIR
HI Rich, already done that. Looks like there’s communication because I get the Receive bands on GT (upper right of screen) and when I do a tune on WSJT-X I’m also getting communication with my FTDX-10. I reinstalled the ini.file for Omnirig for the FTDX-10 also just to make sure, but still no GT Call Roster entries or WSJT-X waterfall. COM8 port still the port. I thought at first it was the recent sunspot activity, but seems it’s at my end. When I switch bands on WSJT-X it switches normally on my FTDX-10, so there’s communication there, too. Just not getting the problem. Thanks so much for any help.
73s. Frank, K2PF
Try this test to get grid tracker working again: and check the soundcard settings in WSJT-X. Be sure you have WSJT-X set to FT8.
Hi Rich, I surely do appreciate all your help. Turns out it was a MicroSoft update issue, so I had to restore my PC Windows 11 back six months ago from a Windows Image Backup, which restored everything back to normal. Of course, I had some software updates, but everything seems good now. Again, thank you SO much for your wonderful website and YouTube channel; can’t tell you how many times I refer to your helpful sites. Blessings. 73s!
Frank, K2PF.
That’s terrific Frank and glad you were able to get it working. Windows has made life easier in some cases, but oh the updates, hi hi.
GL and best 73 and good DX!