Category: Software

amateur radio hamfest flea market 2

The Best Way to Spend Your Weekend: Amateur Radio Hamfest in Your Area

I drove up to Chattanooga for the 2022 Chattanooga Amateur Radio Hamfest and flea market (video below). Chattanooga is only about 130 miles from Cullman, Alabama where I am staying this Fall. The Chattanooga Hamfest is sponsored by the Chattanooga...

techtips tech tips tech tip 4

Tech Tips For Ham Radio

Good day all! I have been answering questions from Hams all over and I prepared a few Tech Tips videos. I hope to make many more of these. My original idea was to keep these short so they could be...

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HRD Alert Alternative Using GridTracker Alerts

Ham Radio Deluxe has a new feature called HRD Alert which is similar to what you would get with GridTracker or JT Alert. I was confused at first, but I have a handle on it now. Since I tried to...

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