Category: Software

FT8Call 8

New Mode FT8Call Hitting The Ham Bands

FT8Call is a new mode on the Ham bands and it has it own software which is also called FT8Call. It is similar to FT8, but we are able to make longer transmissions. The software is based on WSJT-X, so...

elecraft k3s and icom 7610 rx settings 29

Icom 7610 RS-BA1 Installation and Settings

I finally made a video on the Icom 7610 RS-BA1 remote software. Although I have not been using it for very long, this first video shows how to install it from the Icom CD-ROM, apply the update from the Icom...


Upgrade Your Hard Drive to a SSHD the EASY Way

Upgrading a hard drive can be an intimidating and time consuming process, but it may be necessary to speed up your computer and help it run smoothly. Computers are an integral part of Ham Radio these days and I consider...


WSJT-X Split Operation and Why Use It

I’m going to make the case for using Split Operation in the WSJT-X program. Recently I took a poll on the WSJT-X Facebook page and got some interesting results. Almost twice as many Hams use “Fake It” than “Rig” for...

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