Category: Discussion

learning cw academy certificate 6

Learning Morse Code (CW) The Best Way

I learned morse code (CW) way back when and now I hear that was not the best way. I started learning characters then progressed from 1 WPM to 5 WPM. Actually I was able to put together a 13 WPM...

K0PIR /7 QuartzFest 0

Road to QuartzFest

Well I finally made it to QuartzFest in Quartzsite, Arizona. After 8 days on the road I arrived around noon and found thousands of campers here. Some for QuartzFest and many for other events in Quartzsite. At the welcome tent...

parks on the air 2

QuartzFest 2020

I am on my way to QuartzFest. If you haven’t heard about it, QuartzFest is a week-long ham radio, camping, learning and living event near Quartzsite, AZ. It starts on 1-19-2020. This will be a fun and exciting event for...

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