Author: K0PIR

K0PIR /7 QuartzFest 0

Road to QuartzFest

Well I finally made it to QuartzFest in Quartzsite, Arizona. After 8 days on the road I arrived around noon and found thousands of campers here. Some for QuartzFest and many for other events in Quartzsite. At the welcome tent...

parks on the air 2

QuartzFest 2020

I am on my way to QuartzFest. If you haven’t heard about it, QuartzFest is a week-long ham radio, camping, learning and living event near Quartzsite, AZ. It starts on 1-19-2020. This will be a fun and exciting event for...


MacLoggerDX and JS8Call Configuration Part II

It’s easy to get MacLoggerDX and JS8Call configured. Just follow the instructions and pictures below. There is also a good video. Remember, if you need to see screen captures for the Icom radio internal settings I have them here for...

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JS8Call and MacLoggerDX Part I

If you tried JS8Call a long time ago and didn’t like it, try this latest version because it’s much better. See what Turbo mode is all about! Getting MacLoggerDX and JS8Call v2.1 working together was fairly easy. I have a...

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SDRuno Hack for the Icom 7610

I stumbled upon a SDRuno hack for the Icom 7610. There was a post a while back saying that SDRuno could be used with the Icom 7610. Until lately I hadn’t tried it. You may be surprised at how good...

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