Author: K0PIR


Operating When Bands Are Poor

Wow! That last solar flare was something. Two tools I use when bands are poor. 1. NetLogger 2. Online SDR’s. I’ve talked to many Hams about this, so I thought it’s time to put it in writing and do a...

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Logging While Portable and Operating POTA

Whether you’re just operating portable or Parks On The Air (POTA) you’ll want to read this. So how much trouble is it to setup a new location in TQSL or change locations in the logging software? I have a routine...

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POTA Results View of The Badlands

POTA Results For Badlands National Park I had a terrific time at the Sage Creek campground in the Badlands. It is a primitive camping area and serves as a stop over for many traveling through the area. It’s free, but...

devils tower pota results 6

Devils Tower Parks On The Air K-0920

I wanted to post a summary of this activation, so here it is! Devils Tower Parks on the air (POTA) was my favorite activation and I’ll tell you why below. I also activated Badlands National Park and Buffalo Gap National...

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Icom 7300 Com Port and USB Audio CODEC Fix

Hey guys! I’m at Devils Tower and operating Parks on the Air (POTA). My IC-7300 hit a SNAFU, so I wanted to write about it. The com port and USB Audio CODEC went missing in Device Manger. The next time...

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