Tagged: icom 7610

cw skimmer 8

24 kHz CW Skimmer with the Icom 7610 | How To

Icom has really made it easy to have CW Skimmer working with the Icom 7610. First I installed the Icom 7610 I/Q package for HDSDR and got it working. See my article: Icom 7610 HDSDR and Icom I/Q Package. After...

elecraft k3s and icom 7610 rx settings 29

Icom 7610 RS-BA1 Installation and Settings

I finally made a video on the Icom 7610 RS-BA1 remote software. Although I have not been using it for very long, this first video shows how to install it from the Icom CD-ROM, apply the update from the Icom...

icom hand mic caution 12

Icom Hand Mic Caution Icom Transceivers

Here’s an Icom hand mic caution and I am not bashing Icom for this quirk, but I do think it is something that needs to be known. When using the supplied hand mic with the Icom 7300 or Icom 7610...


Icom 7610 Heat Sink, Loose or Detached ADC Heatsinks

There’s a new thread in the Icom 7610 Groups.io forum discussing the Icom 7610 ADC heat sinks. Evidentially, during a production run, one or possibly two heat sinks were not held into place long enough for the adhesive to attach...

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