Tagged: ham radio deluxe

icom 7610 ft8 ready 33

Icom 7300 WSJT-X Combined With HRD And JT-Alert

Over the past few weeks I’ve worked to improve operating with WSJT-X. Everything from improving the wide graph (waterfall), logging to HRDLogbook, setting up alerts and improving the Icom 7300 settings. All of it plays a role in WSJT-X and...


Icom 7300 HRD 6.3 DM780 RTTY FSK CW

My Icom 7300 HRD 6.3 is working now. Yes, I finally broke down and purchased the latest version of Ham Radio Deluxe, 6.3. I wanted FSK in Digital Master 780 and I also wanted to see what new things have...


Icom 7300 DM780 Setup For PSK31, RTTY and CW

Icom 7300 DM780 Setup: I’m using the free version of Ham Radio Deluxe and DM780 in this example. The free version is still available here. If you like the free version I would suggest you get the paid version at some...

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