Running RUMLogNG WSJT-X and GridTracker on the Apple M1

Just a quick update for anyone wanting to run GridTracker with WSJT-X and RUMLogNG on a Mac Mini with M1 processor. There are just a couple of changes I needed to make so this would work. GridTracker on the Apple M1 is blazing fast! Previously I posted on WSJT-X using RUMLogNGs network and alert settings for some automation. You can see that here, Mac Mini M1 and WSJT-X Automation With RUMLogNG.

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GridTracker on the Apple M1

Lets throw GridTracker into the mix. GT has a beautiful animated map and the call roster is easy and fast for starting a transmission. See the video below.

I installed the version of GridTracker for the MacOS. It is working on the M1 chip. I have other posts on GridTracker, so if you are using a Windows computer see these posts. 1. Downloading GridTracker for HRD and WSJT-X, 2. GridTracker, WSJT-X and Log4OM

You can download GT for the MacOS here.

GridTracker Port Change

I went into GT and changed a port number so I could get this working.

In GT go to Settings and then the General tab. We are going to forward UDP port 2238 so RUMLogNG will log the QSO we made in WSJT-X.

RUMLogNG Port Change

In RUMLogNG I went into the Preferences and edited the port number on the UDP tab making it 2238. GT will forward the QSO info on that port to RUMLogNG. GT will still use port 2237 to receive data from WSJT-X.

RUMLogNG First

For this to work I start RUMLogNG first. Then WSJT-X and finally GridTracker. It works beautifully.


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Final Thoughts

So this combination of software works really good and using the GridTracker "Call Roster" to start the transmission works FB.

It will not start a transmission automatically with RUMLogNG as seen in the previous post. However, many Hams may not like the automation anyway. If you have another way of doing this I'd be happy to hear from you. Send your comments below.


I will be traveling to Quartzfest in January and will enjoy meeting more Hams down there. This time in Arizona I will be using my Drone and a new camera, the GoPro MAX 360. I hope you will follow my travels here and on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube.

Thank you

If you have any questions, please ask them here. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. I sincerely appreciate it.

Please stay in touch and best 73,

Rich, K0PIR


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Jon Hunter
3 years ago

Works Great, How about linking JT-Bridge into the setup

3 years ago

Hi Rich. I use a Mac air M1, with IC7300 and WSJT-X. I loaded RUMlogNG, which worked perfect. However, the M1 would run slow after loading RUMlogNG. Removing the log software the M1 returned to normal speed. Have you experienced this in your use of RUMlogNG? Any thoughts? Thanks for the great articles and tips!

3 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Hi Rich, thanks for you response. I found my issue was in the wireless router. I was connected on 5G and the signal was fluctuating in strength. While it may be the software was demanding data, the issue was the 5G signal strength. The router manufacturer says (ASUS) the 5G signal is prone to fluctuate just like 5G phone signal. I switched to standard connection and the Mac Air operates perfect. RUMlogNG is a great software, it’s setup is problem free for me. Thanks for providing timely and useful tips!

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