Road to QuartzFest 2022

Many of you may remember that I had a stroke a little over two years ago and I still suffer from some of the side effects from the stroke. One of the things that is new for me is to travel slowly. I travel 100 to 200 miles a day. So this trip took me seven days to get from Pierre South Dakota to Quartzsite Arizona. It was a very good trip, beautiful scenery and no snow storms this time. Below are some photos from the trip.

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While I am at QuartzFest I’ll be posting pictures and videos on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

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More to come from 2022 QuartzFest.

road to quartzfest 2022



I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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3 years ago

Rich, didn’t know about the stroke. Sorry to hear it, but glad that you can still travel. I’ve lurked on your site for several years as you’ve been a blessing when it comes to mastering my IC 7300. Hope you have a great time and a safe trip home.

Bob Johnson
3 years ago

Hope you have a great time in Quartzfest. I don’t know what that is, but sounds like a rockhound convention.

unrelated questions:
How do protect your remote IC-7610 from lightning?

Do you have a remote way to cycle the power on your IC-7610 in case it becomes “hung” and unresponsive to remote commands?

Garry Foster
3 years ago

Rich I also didn’t realize about your stroke. My wife had one about 7 years ago and most think she is fully back. But she has only driven on major highways 2 hours since and she used to take off from Pa to Missouri all by herself serval times a year. You are doing quite well and I listen to you on the breakfast Club from time to time. I have also used several of your helpful videos on the 7300 digital modes.

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