Radio Showdown: IC-7300 vs. K3S

Comparing the audio quality and signal strength between the Icom IC-7300 and Elecraft K3S receivers can be a valuable demonstration. These aspects are crucial in determining the overall performance of a receiver. In the video below, you can observe how the two receivers handle signals within that specific bandwidth and whether there are any noticeable differences in audio quality and signal strength between the Icom IC-7300 and the Elecraft K3S.

What makes it a K3S? See my previous post: The Elecraft K3S at the Home QTH

IC-7300 vs. K3S Comparison Video

Using the same antenna and alternating between the radios with a coax switch, we ensure a fair comparison. The filter bandwidth is set to 2.4 kHz, and there is no receiver equalization used in the Elecraft K3S or Icom 7300.

By listening to signals and evaluating the clarity, fidelity, and overall sound quality on each receiver, we explore the differences in audio performance. Additionally, we assess the signal strength meter readings to compare the sensitivity and selectivity of the radios.

This demonstration aims to provide valuable insights for amateur radio enthusiasts looking to make an informed decision based on their preferences. I may be biased, but the 7300 holds it own up against a much more expensive K3S.

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Improving Comparison Videos for the Next Video

In the next comparison video, I'll be conducting a similar evaluation, but this time between the IC-7610 and the Elecraft K3S transceivers. We'll explore their performance on a specific band, providing insights into their audio quality and signal strength.

Next time I'll make some adjustments to the recording setup. Unfortunately, I experienced radio frequency interference (RFI) from my cable modem, affecting the video camera. To mitigate this issue, I will either shut down the cable modem during recording or utilize a different camera for improved results

However, I would like to maintain the same camera because it features an excellent built-in microphone that enhances audio quality. I believe it provides superior sound reproduction compared to other options available.

Thank you

Stay tuned for this upcoming comparison video, where we'll dive into the IC-7610 and Elecraft K3S transceivers' performance. Together, we'll assess their audio quality and signal strength on a specific band, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. Don't forget to subscribe and you'll be notified when the video is released!

To stay up to date with Mr. B and I on our travels, follow us at TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube. If you have any questions or comments about our journey, we invite you to join the conversation in our comment section here or at YouTube–it not only helps you but other readers as well! We’re incredibly thankful for all of our subscribers–their support makes this website possible. So please stay in touch and warmest regards & best 73s! – Rich, K0PIR

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I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Pete Rossin
1 year ago

I also think the 7300 is at least as good and better sounding with the NR on.

1 year ago

Charlie here, from what I heard you are right 7300 sounds fab. But tell me were you using the same speaker¿

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