Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"


Icom 7300 One Month Review

I have been using the new Icom IC-7300 since the first week in April and absolutely love it. It has a very good receiver and I’ve had no overload (OVF) problems at my location. See Sherwood Receiver Test Data. Icom...


Icom 7300 RTTY FSK with MMTTY and N1MM Logger

I’m operating the Icom 7300 RTTY FSK. Wow, I have wanted to try RTTY (FSK) for years. This is the first radio I could get it setup on without having to buy external equipment. I’ve used AFSK in the past...


Icom 7300 First Impression

My Icom 7300 first impression in general – this is a fantastic little SDR transceiver. I had very high expectations and most were met! There were a few disappointments, but no deal killers. I am very happy I paid what...


Icom IC-7300 eHam Product Reviews

Wow, only after a short time one of my favorite sites, eHam.net, has exploded with Icom Ic-7300 eHam Product Reviews! So far the consensus is overwhelming, this is an amazing SDR transceiver. I have yet to receive mine, but when I...


Flex 1500 Non Technical Review With Videos

As in the title this is a Flex 1500 non technical review. Simply put, it is a list of things I like and don’t like about the Flex 1500. And let me tell you right away, there’s not much I...

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