Icom 7300 Spectrum Scope Settings Video

Icom 7300 Spectrum Scope - ViewThe Icom 7300 spectrum scope is fantastic! I have been using my Icom 7300 a lot and one the best features is the spectrum scope. The default settings are good, but I liked the way my Flex 1500 default scope looked. So, I've made some changes to the one on the Icom 7300. It only takes a minute or two and there's a big difference. Check out this short video clip I made.


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Try the settings in the above video and see how you like it.

Icom 7300 Spectrum Scope

Icom 7300 Spectrum Scope - Center Type TxThe first important setting to me is the "Scope during Tx (CENTER Type). This allows the scope to continue scrolling while transmitting. I like seeing it and since I use CENTER type a lot, it works very well. I leave it on. (Default: ON)

Max Hold Off. I don't care for the Max Hold to be on. Experiment to see what you like. (Default: 10s Hold)

The CENTER Type Display is another one I changed. I changed it to Carrier Point Center (Abs. Freq.). Abs. stands for absolute frequency. (Default: Filter Center).

Marker Position stayed at the default as does the VBW (Video Band Width).

Another change was done to the Averaging. Play around with this one. Mine is set to 3 (Default: Fill).

Important one for me is Waveform Type. Mine is set to Fill+Line (Default: Fill).

Here's another biggie. Mine is black (0,0,0) for the Waveform Color (Current). (Default: R-172,G-191,B-191)

Since I liked my Flex 1500 software default scope I changed the line to green. So Waveform Color (Line) is R:0, G:255 and B:0. (Default: R-56, G-24, B-0).

Waveform Color (Max Hold) stays at default as does a few of the last settings.

The Waterfall Display = On and Waterfall Speed = Mid and Waterfall Size (Expand Screen) = Mid.

I changed the Waterfall Peak Color Level to Grid 3 (Default: Grid 8).

The last for the scope is Waterfall Marker Auto-hide and it stays at the default. (Default: ON.

I won't go into the Fixed Edges, but I use Fixed Type as opposed to Center Type when searching and pouncing in a contest. I also like fixed type when I'm looking for QSO's to listen too.

You can download a couple of pages from the manual describing the settings here.

If you have some different ideas I'd like to see them, please comment below. How do you like the Icom 7300 spectrum scope?


I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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8 years ago

I replaced my Flex 6300 with the Icom 7300. I really miss being able to see the modulation type in use in the much larger scope with the Flex. With the Icom, I can just tell a QSO is taking place.

I look forward to checking out these settings later.

Mni tnx es 73 de Guy G4DWV/4X1LT

8 years ago

It would be nice to have those settings across the whole band rather than a small section of it. All it would take would be for Icom to have a single resolution setting, or to allow many more sections of a band that would jump or flow from one to another as one scrolled though a band.

Mni tnx agn for the nice site and sri for a second posting.

73 de Guy

Larry K
6 years ago

Thanks for your great website! Is there any software that will show the 7300’s waterfall/scope on my desktop monitor? I have a MAC MINI, and apparently MacLoggerDX won’t show the scope function.

4 years ago

Hi guys, I know this is late, but it might help someone else. The IC-7300 is a digital direct conversion receiver, so it doesn’t have an IF to output. You do have the option to configure 3 custom fixed band edges for each band section for the fixed display. They’re in the same menu with the other waterfall config items.

Lee Price
3 years ago

Hi OM, I’ve noticed that the amplitude of the waterfall signals are much lower when viewing it in CENTER as opposed to FIX. It’s a dramatic difference, and signals simply disappear when switching from one view to the other. Any ideas on how to remedy this?

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