Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"

Elecraft KX2 4

New Rig – Elecraft KX2 For Portable Operation

I picked up a used Elecraft KX2 a few weeks ago and have been having a great time with it. I want to use it along with my Icom 7300 this weekend while camping. How will the two compare? (I’ll...


Icom 7300 Best Entry Level HF Transceiver

The Icom 7300 made some great advances in Amateur Radio communications. The first SDR HF transceiver with knobs and the first affordable SDR HF transceiver with LCD touchscreen and real time spectrum scope. The Icom 7300 is lower in price...

elecraft k3s and icom 7610 rx settings 29

Icom 7610 RS-BA1 Installation and Settings

I finally made a video on the Icom 7610 RS-BA1 remote software. Although I have not been using it for very long, this first video shows how to install it from the Icom CD-ROM, apply the update from the Icom...

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