Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"

2019 Hamvention 4

2019 Hamvention Plans, HF Talk-In and Mobile App

It’s time, or almost time for the 2019 Hamvention. This will be the third year I make the trip traveling from Pierre, South Dakota to the Greene County Fairgrounds.  The previous two years were very exciting, especially the first year...

dm780 cw decode 15

Digital Master 780 DM780 CW Decode

This may not be for everyone, but I’ve had a lot of Hams ask about DM780 CW decode. If you’ve had Ham Radio Deluxe for a length of time, maybe you have at least tried it out. It’s not the...

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