Ham Radio with K0PIR "Icom 7300, Icom 7610, Elecraft K3S, KX2 and Software Tutorials"

activation sig info 4

Best POTA Logging Software

What is the best POTA logger? Many Logging programs can be used for POTA. The logging programs allow users to log their contacts with other radio amateurs, as well as track the progress of their POTA activations or POTA activities....


The N3ZN ZN-Lite II Next Generation CW Paddle

As in the title this is a lite CW paddle that is made for portability. Just what a Ham needs in their camper. This paddle features a light and portable design, perfect for traveling hams.   Whether you’re headed out...


44Net – What Is It And Why Should Hams Care?

Recently I was in Orlando for HamCation and I had the pleasure of attending a forum my first day. At first I didn’t even know what 44Net was, but as Jon, KA6NVY explained it became clear to me I have...


Road To HamCation Orlando, Fl.

My first Orlando HamCation event! I have been fortunate enough to attend a few Hamventions, but never a HamCation. You can follow me on APRS, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I’ll post updates on my social accounts, but mainly on Instagram and Facebook. My...

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POTA Gulf Islands National Seashore and Fort Pickens

I thoroughly enjoyed my POTA Gulf Islands National Seashore experience. Recently I activated Gulf Islands National Seashore (K-0661) from Fort Pickens Campground in Florida. What a beautiful spot for operating Ham radio! The Gulf Islands National Seashore and Fort Pickens...

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