New Laptop for Ham Radio and Operating Portable in New Mexico

Where in the world is K0PIR? I’m traveling in New Mexico, the "Land of Enchantment". My first camp was on BLM land near Roswell. At the moment I have setup camp near Las Cruces. A very beautiful location on BLM land and I get 3 bars of 5G cellular.

On my last outing in the Black Hills of South Dakota I had lots of tall Pine trees to hang antennas from. It's a different landscape here in New Mexico. No tall trees here, or many trees at all.


Portable station K0PIR.


It's all about the antenna and as my friend says, "Antenna, antenna, antenna."

Since I operate a lot of 80 meters I am using my 80 meter inverted vee attached to a 30ft. flagpole. I've made the flagpole base a little better. See below. If you have any suggestions for improving it, I'm open. Please comment below.

flagpole antenna
30' flagpole raising two antennas.

The other antenna on my flagpole is an random wire about 60' in length with a 9:1 UnUn.

I have used this combination of antennas before and they work well.

If I need it I have my Hi-Q-5/80 mounted on the rear.

New Laptop for Ham Radio and Ham Radio Software

I have been using an HP Stream notebook for a couple of years now. Since I am out in the camper more these days I decided to upgrade. In Las Cruces I purchased a Microsoft Surface Go laptop. So far it's been easy loading my software and the laptop hasn't given me any problems.

The Surface Go is small, very lightweight and the i5 processor with 8GB of RAM is plenty powerful for my Ham software.

Log4OM is loaded and working FB with GridTracker and WSJT-X. I added Fldigi to the mix for PSK31 contacts. More on that later.

This time I have JS8Call working with Log4OM and it logs and works almost exactly like WSJT-X. More on that later too.

Some Drone Footage and Night Sky

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Coming Soon

With my new laptop I had to reinstall everything and decided to add some more to Log4OM. I'll make sure WSJT-X, GridTracker, Fldigi and now JS8Call work properly together with Log4OM and then write a post and prepare a video on Fldigi and JS8Call.

Past posts:

NEW Log4OM 2 Logging Program Install and Initial Setup

WSJT-X and LOG4OM Tutorial Free and Easy!

GridTracker, WSJT-X and Log4OM

Downloading GridTracker for HRD and WSJT-X

If you have any questions, comments or solutions, please comment below. I prefer the comment section here or in YouTube over e-mail because your comments and questions will help others as well.

Thank you for subscribing to this website. You can also follow my travels on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube.



I'm an Amateur Radio enthusiast. I love the hobby and experimenting with radios, antennas and software. On my YouTube channel I upload videos on the Icom 7300 and Icom 7610 along with Ham radio software programs. I hope to inspire people to try new things in Amateur Radio.

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Deryl Holliday
4 years ago

Thanks, Rich, for sharing your drone shots. I am sure you enjoyed your adventure. I would love such a trip with my wife. 🙂 Do you still have your dog?

Deryl Holliday
4 years ago
Reply to  K0PIR

Rich, I will look forward to that dog’s view of the camp.
BTW, what drone are you using? I got a Wish ad that said you were using the $27 drone from Mavic. Is that true?
73, Deryl, WB4DOC

4 years ago

Enjoy the ride Rich, You are sounding good out there…

Harry Rundall
4 years ago

Hi Rich-Looks like your having fun out there in New Mexico. Keep the posts coming and i will check in to see what is new in your adventures. My FT8 and GridTracker with my IC-7300 is working like a champ. Bagged 5 Europeans with two Russian contacts, and CW (obiviously not FT8) station TF4M Iceland, doing quick DX exchanges. 73s Harry AC3EK

Bill Splaine
3 years ago

Thanks for the updates. I like reading your blogs. BTW, thanks for the contact on my POTA excursion. Ran 52 parks on my trip to TX and back to ID. Now begins the L O N G process of transferring the contacts from paper to digital and submitting the logs.

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